Chapter 31


Despite telling Ahren that it's just an attraction, I found myself staring at her again and again. She had also noticed that but thankfully she didn't say anything to me. Even if I want to I can't look away from her and I have this urge to murder everyone who is staring at her. 'She is my wife!' My inner voice growled. My wife? What did I said? I'm losing my mind. I need to drink- oh there are no alcohol in this party.

Ahren again went back to Alaida. But whatever I'm happy in a way that he is not leaving my sister alone like me who leaves my wife alone in every situation. I shook away these thoughts as I was drinking the orange juice I got when maa called me. She called me to meet with my baba's sister. I hate that woman. She is so judgemental! I placed my glass on the counter then went towards that woman who is my fufu.

Maa also called Aaidah. We were standing side by side. Aaidah greeted my fufu. I also did the same. I noticed this old woman looking at Aidah in a judging way. I clenched my fists. Who is she to judge my wife? Ugh again with this 'my wife' thing. "She is skinny and seems too weak." My fufu taunted Aaidah. As much as I'm angry at this woman for taunting Aaidah yet I also couldn't help but smirk. If only if this woman knew who Aaidah is. She is a mafia queen who can destroy someone's existence in a minute including this old woman.

"At least I still manage to look pretty." Aaidah said with a sly smile on her face. It took a while for my fufu to understand what Aaidah meant and then she walked away from us. "Sweetheart don't mind her. She is always like that." Maa said then she also left leaving me and Aaidah alone. We were just standing there without saying anything to each other. "May I have your number pretty lady?" A man in his 30s came and asked her. I clenched my fists.

I wrapped my arms around her waist as I pulled her closer to me, her back pressed against my front. I could feel Aaidah's body stiffening. I smirked knowing she is getting effected by my touch. My wife doesn't talk with any other man except me." I said to that man more like to a bastard who is eying my wife. The man looked embarrassed now but he left. "What are you doing? Leave me." She started to squirm in my hold which only made me tighten my grip on her waist.

"Did you even realized that many men are staring at you?" She stopped squirming after my question. "I didn't cause my eyes were only on you and my mind was filled with your thoughts." My breath hitched at what she said. She thinks about me? Is she confessing to me indirectly? I don't know what she is trying to do but I can say that it's effecting me and suddenly I'm feeling too hot.

Without giving her any chance to say something else or even react, I started dragging her uptairs to our room not caring about the guest or my family. I pushed her inside our room and closed the door. I realized another thing that I just said our room without hating this sentence. I looked at Aaidah who is looking at me confused. I know she will be confused because of what I'm doing. "There are gue-" I cut off her by saying, "Don't care about them."

I started stepping closer to her and she started stepping back from me. Why is she stepping back now after what she said in the downstairs? Her back hit the wall so I took that to chance to cage her between me and the wall. Her breath hitched as she is looking at me with those brown eyes of hers. Another thing I noticed that her eyes are so pretty.

Right now they are looking ar me so curiously, confusedly and innocently. I hate to say this but the way she is looking at me right now is making me want to fuck her so that all her curiosity, confusion and innocence will be gone. I looked down at her lips. She have applied cherry red lipstick on her lips. I saw her lipstick on the dressing table and saw the shade's name because I was curious.

I don't know what came over to me as I leaned in closer to her and smashed my lips on hers. I started kissing her slowly, her lips are so soft. Last time I had kissed her while being drunk so I don't remember anything. But God now I'm enjoying kissing her so much. She didn't reacted nor kissed me for a while. I guess she was too shocked. However now she started kissing me back. I deepened the kiss as I pulled her more closer to me leaving no space between us.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. At first I was being gentle and kissing her softly but now I couldn't control my inner beast as I started to kiss her roughly and started to suck her lips. After few minutes I pulled away from the kiss when she started hitting me on my chest. I understood that she is out of breath so I pulled away from the kiss. She is panting heavily so am I. I looked at her who is looking down.

My eyes snapped towards her naked shoulder. Her blouse moved aside a bit so her shoulder is exposed to me now. I have this desire to bite her there. I'm not drunk so I'm sure that these desires are true and these are for her this time. These aren't for anyone else. I looked at her face again. She calmed down but she is still looking down. I picked her up and went towards the bed then I placed her on the bed gently. After that I hovered over her which made her eyes widen in shock.

I removed her hair from her face. My thumb started caressing her lips which now looks swollen. The lipstick is smudged on her face but still she is looking breathtaking. In fact she is looking more sexy like this. I leaned closer to her neck and started kissing her neck as well as biting obviously to leave marks which will be given by me to her. She slightly moaned in pleasure and that made me smirk.

My hands then went to her saree. Oh how much I will love taking this saree off of her. As I was lost in my thoughts about what I will do to her suddenly she pushed me away and sat up straight on the bed looking at me while breathing heavily. I also sat up looking at her confused. She is quiet so I can't understand what she is thinking. She did kissed me back then why did she suddenly pushed me away now?

"We can't do this." She said in a low voice. "Why? We are married so it's not like we are doing something haram." She glared at me but what caught my attention is the tears that formed in her eyes. "Yes it's not haram and we are married so we can do it. But we are not doing it out of love." I kept looking at her confused still not understanding what she is trying to say. "You are only doing this because of lust not because you love me." As her words sank in my chest tightened with an unknown fear and pain.

Her words were as if someone poured a bucket of cold water on me. What was I doing? She is right. I was doing this out of lust only. "Do you think of me that cheap?" She asked me while clenching her fists. "Do you think I will give in to you so easily? Or did you thought I'm one of those girls who lets a man fuck her so easily. Did you thought of me as a slut?" Her accusations made me feel guilty. I didn't thought of her like that!

She took a deep breath as if preparing herself to speak again. "I kissed you back because I couldn't control myself. But also because at least I have feelings for you. But then realization hit me that you hate me. You don't even love me then why are you doing this suddenly? The answer is it's because of lust. You just suddenly got horny and thought that you can fuck me to get rid of your horniness cause I'm your wife!" She yelled at me but she didn't let her tears fall from her eyes.

"Aaidah- Wallahi I didn't thought about it that way. I don't know what happe-" She didn't let me finish speaking as she got up from the bed and left from the room. I didn't follow her cause I know I will only make her situation more worse by doing that. She needs some time alone and I also need that to control my thoughts. I need to find answers to what I did and why I did that. Only then I can explain everything to her then apologize to her properly.


I ran away from our room to Huriya's room. I closed the door and fell down on the floor. As I hugged my knees to my chest, I couldn't stop my tears. As much as I love him and want him still I will never let him do anything to me when he still loves his first love. He didn't move on completely! Even if he did it's not like that he will fall in love with me that soon.

I was blinded by my desires and wants for him that at first I kissed him back after he kissed me. I had also let him kiss on my neck. Just then I realized is he doing this because he loves me? Why is he suddenly doing this? Because he is jealous? Or maybe because I looked pretty today so he couldn't control himself after all he is a man. Men lose control anywhere at any time. Not all men but still a man.

I started to cry harder. Why did I let him kiss me? Why did I let him kiss me back? I feel so disgusted. I'm not like those girls who will give in to a guy so easily no matter how much I love him. I won't let him do anything to me unless he loves me back and he is loyal. I feel so frustrated and hurt. When we talked in the downstairs I got happy thinking that maybe Aaran is starting to like me slowly.

His words gave me butterflies. I liked his possessiveness even though he did it without realizing it but at least it was a sign that maybe he is starting to like me slowly and he will realize his feelings soon. But I didn't expected him to take things too far like wanting to fuck me. I bet he would've started to ignore me after waking up in the morning cause he would've realize that he lost his control and made a mistake by being intimate with me.

If I had let him do anything then he would also think of me as a slut. I wouldn't be even able to defend myself or blame him for what he would have done cause then he would've tell me that why didn't I stopped him. But I'm glad that I stopped before he could go further. Now he can't blame me neither give me any excuse like he lost control. I hate this one thing about Aaran so much that he does thinks without thinking twice. He only thinks about himself. He doesn't think about the other person neither care about their feelings. Why did I had to fall in love with a guy like him?

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩