Chapter 30


Next morning I woke up in the bed. As far as I know I was in the car with Aaran? I fell asleep then how come I was on the bed? I asked Aaran about it but he said a ghost brought me here. This man can never give a straight answer to me. I don't think he picked me up. Aaran Ibrahim would never do that.

But I got shocked when maa told me that he is the one who picked me up and took me to our room. I would have never believe maa but I did cause she said that she saw us with her own eyes. This information gave birth to butterflies in my stomach. Does he care for me? Forget that, should I thank him? After thinking for an hour I decided to thank him.

So currently I'm in our room waiting for him to come out who is in the bathroom, taking a shower. Will he again come out only in towel? I would love to see those sexy abs of his again. Ahhh I can't wait for him come out. I know I'm behaving like a teenager but what to do when my husband is so sexy? My thoughts came to an after I heard the bathroom door opening and footsteps coming near me.

I looked up at him only to get disappointed. Today he came out while wearing clothes. He poured water on my expectations. “Why are you sulking?” He asked me. Shit he noticed it? Since when did he started noticing things about me? “Nothing. I wanted to thank you for last night. Thanks for bringing me to our room.” I gave him a smile to show my gratitude.

“I only did it so that you wouldn’t throw shoes at me like last time.” My smile disappeared immediately. Oh.. He didn’t do it because he cared for me? “Why are you sulking again?” This time I didn’t bother to answer him. I know I shouldn’t feel hurt but my chest hurts so much. “I know that still I wanted to thank you.” I lied as I'm looking at him blankly. I won't show him that I'm hurt.

He kept looking at me not saying anything so I decided to start minding my own business. Though this business includes him. I'm going to the hospital to see Zaria cause today is her delivery time. Zaria is his sister-in-law even if he loves her or whatever and Asael bhai is his brother so he deserves to be informed that I'm going to the hospital to see them.

“I will go to the hospital to see Zaria today.” It didn’t go unnoticed by me that his body stiffened at the mention of Zaria. I waited for him to say something but he didn’t. So I moved away to get my purse and phone. “I'm leaving.” I told him while going towards the door. “Aaidah.” He called me when I was about to open the door. I turned around my head to look at him motioning for him to speak.

“Be careful on your way. Keep a gun with you.” I don't know why he said that but the way he said it in his deep voice and that serious face, I knew better not to disobey him. I also understood he said it for a reason and I really need to keep a gun to keep myself safe. I can fight but sometimes you can't win by physical fight. You need a gun or at least a knife to protect yourself. Since I'm in mafia it's normal for me to keep a gun with me.

“I always keep a gun in my car.” I informed him. Once he hummed in response I left our room now going outside. I got inside my car and started to drive while thinking about Aaran. Did my enemy messaged him or what? Why is he suddenly so protective of me? I'm sure someone said something to him or something happened yesterday. He wouldn’t tell me anything so it's pointless to ask him anything but I want to respect his privacy and his decision so I wouldn't try to know anything on my own either.

For now I let go of these thoughts cause I reached to the hospital. My main concern is Zaria. I hope everything goes well with her. I hate hospitals but I wanted to be there for Zaria in her important and difficult time thus I came not giving a fuck about my hatred to this place. I can ignore everything and sacrifice anything for my loved ones.

Though after I went to Zaria's room both her and Asael bhai asked me why am I here and that it was okay if I didn’t came. Zaria is about to give birth after few minutes yet this woman is thinking about me and scolding me that why I came here even when I hate this place. I smiled and reassured them that everything is fine.

Alhamdulillah Zaria is fine and she gave birth to twin sons. Both are so cute MashaAllah! I was afraid to pick them up in my arms but bhai and Zaria reassured me and told me to pick them up. It felt so nice when Zaria said they are my nephew so I can hold them. I felt so happy. It's a small thing but I got happy and emotional because I never thought that I would get this much love and respect from everyone in my in-laws. I never expected Zaria to let me hold her baby after what I had said to her last time because of the misunderstanding I had.

Ya Allah I can't explain it in words that how cute the babies are! I wanted to squish their cheeks but I stopped myself from doing that afraid that what if they get hurt or cry? I didn’t wanted to leave the babies and go but I knew the couple need some time alone with their babies so baba, maa and I decided to come back home. Zaria will get discharged tomorrow so I can see her and the babies again.

From hospital I went to my office. I can't miss a day at work otherwise my employees mess up something. Like this the day went by and at night I left office. Today Aaran didn’t came to pick me up. I heard that he have a important meeting today so I guess that is the reason why he didn’t came. Not that I expect him to come even if he don't have any meeting or work to do.

After reaching home I freshened up then went downstairs to help maa with making dinner. As I was working my phone buzzed with notification. I turned on my phone to see Asael bhai had sent me the twins pictures. I told him to send me few pictures saying I would send the pictures to my maa who asked about Zaria yesterday which is true but mostly I asked for the pictures to show them to Aaran.

I know that he will get to see them once Zaria comes home but there is a difference between seeing a newborn later and the day when they are born especially when Aaran is Asael bhai's twin brother. He have the right to see the babies too. If things were different then I'm sure Aaran would've gone to the hospital because I know deep down inside he loves bhai so much and respect him a lot.

Shaking away these thoughts I finished my work soon. Maa and I were done with cooking. Now we are just waiting for baba and Aaran to come back home. Maa told me that baba always tells her to eat before him and go to sleep early but maa always wait for him. They both love each other so much and most importantly they respect each other. It's not like only maa respect baba and he doesn’t do the same.

Though in my case Aaran didn’t told me anything but he did told me not to act like his wife which includes that I shouldn’t wait for him. Even if I wait, he wouldn't give a fuck about it. But I'm exactly not waiting for him. I like to eat with everyone and I respect his parents a lot so for that reason I wouldn't eat without them or before them unless I'm too tired or have work to do. Baba and maa wouldn’t obviously mind even if I eat before them but like maa it's my decision to wait for baba and Aaran and eat together with them. After all that's what families are for.

After half an hour both baba and Aaran came home together at the same time. Aaran directly went uptairs though baba came to the kitchen first to check on maa. To give them privacy I came back to our room. Maa will call us for dinner once baba freshen up so now I can stay in the room and I don't have to give maa company either since baba is home now.

Aaran was taking off his coat when I entered inside the room and closed the door. I went near him and stood beside him on his right side. He looked at me raising his eyebrows. I took out my phone and handed it to him. “What?” He asked grumpily. This man and his grumpy mood! “See the twins pictures.” His eyes widened in shock for a split moment after what I said.

He held my phone as he looked down at the phone to see the pictures. “MashaAllah!” He whispered but I heard him. A smile appeared on my face. He looks so happy. Then I told him their names too. “Thank you.” He said while looking at me as he smiled.

He fucking smiled at me! That too a genuine smile! My heart skipped a beat. I didn’t expected him to get this happy after seeing the pictures. I'm also happy for him. I know he has been a jerk but he realized his mistakes and he feels guilty now so he also deserves to be happy like everyone else.

He gave me back my phone. His smile disappeared. Of course this grumpy man wouldn’t like to show his happiness or smile. I bet he is regretting that he smiled at me. That thought made me giggle. “What happened?” He asked me, looking at me confused. I shook my head negatively telling him that it's nothing. “Go freshen up. Dinner is ready.” He nodded his head and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

I would've kept his coat in its right place but he told me not act like his wife so I wouldn't do any of his work until he gives me the permission and right to do his work. This time I'm not sad. I love him but I wouldn't even do his work if he doesn’t love me back and treat me properly like his wife. I don't do any work for anyone for free. At least I expect the other person to treat me nicely and respect me. I expect that from Aaran a lot. I just hope he wouldn't break my expectations.

After he came out we went downstairs together to eat. After having dinner we came back to our room and as usual went to sleep. But tonight I went to sleep after planning what I will do tomorrow. Zaria would come with the newborn babies so we need to welcome them properly and prepare a small surprise for them. This was baba's idea and we all agreed to help including Aaran.


It's been one week already since Zaria gave birth to the twin babies. Today is their name ceremony. There are so much work to do. So many relatives will come today. Asael bhai is the oldest and the twins are the first grandsons of this house so the ceremony is going to be big and many people are invited. Zaria can't work because she needs to take care of the twins. She can't handle them both all alone so bhai also needs to be there for her thus he can't help us that much either.

Though maa is helping me but there are too many works. I was working mostly all alone but finally Huriya and Alaida came. They started to help me. Aaran is not helping because he don't want Zaria to feel bad in any way. He thinks Zaria wouldn’t like it if he help or does anything in her sons name ceremony. I don't even know what Zaria would feel actually and I didn’t wanted to ask either in case the question ruins her mood. That's why I'm not angry that Aaran is not helping me.

I guess Huriya understood the reason which is why she is quiet but Alaida is angry at Aaran for not helping me. She scolded him a lot. It was actually funny to see that cause Aaran was also quiet and didn’t say anything to Alaida. Both me and Ahren were enjoying the show while he was glaring at both of us.

Like this by bickering with each other, talking and laughing, we were done with every work. Then we went to our respective rooms to freshen up and get ready for the function. Aaran was in his study room, working on something which was important so I left him alone and didn’t say anything.

I got ready then went downstairs as guests started to come already. I wore a plain pink colour saree. I didn’t wanted to wear something gorgeous, that's not my cup of tea. But since many relatives will come maa requested me to wear a saree so that's why I wore. With the saree I wore a blouse of same colour with long sleeves.

I was checking the preparation again and as well as attending few guests whenever maa calls me. Everyone was asking me about Aaran so I sent him a message to come downstairs quickly. I could go uptairs obviously but I don't want to go today while wearing the saree. It feels like such a difficult job for me.

Even after few minutes Aaram still didn’t came. I got frustrated and decided to go uptairs. I was almost near the staircase when I saw him coming down. Thanks Allah! I don't have to climb up the stairs now. I'm happy yet I'm glaring at Aaran. Relatives were saying many things because he didn’t came, saying things like I should take care of him and his things and make him come quickly. Only because of maa I kept quiet cause I don't want them to say anything to maa.

Aaran finally looked at me from him phone after he put his phone in his pocket. I was glaring at him the whole time. He was descending the stairs while looking at me so he suddenly fell down before I could tell him to be careful. Everyone's eyes are on him now. I quickly went to help him to get up. Thankfully he didn’t got hurt badly. He sat on one of the stairs after I helped him while still staring at me.

I noticed admiration in his eyes or maybe I'm wrong. Nope, he will never look at me with admiration in his eyes so I'm wrong. “Are you okay?” Maa asked him worriedly but he didn’t answer her. Instead he kept staring at me. “Looks like someone can't take his eyes off of his wife.” Ahren said in a teasing voice. “So beautiful.” He murmured. I heard it and I'm sure maa, Ahren and Alaida also heard it as they are near us.

“Say MashaAllah if she is looking that pretty.” Maa told Aaran with a smile on her face. My cheeks started heating up. He gave me a compliment for the first time. I know he is not teasing me neither he is making fun of me cause his eyes are telling me that he is serious and he meant what he said. After a while Aaran looked away from me as if he realized what he was doing.

Maa chuckled after seeing Aaran acting like he didn’t just check me out and called me beautiful. “I'm sorry for being late maa.” With that saying he went to attend the guests leaving me alone on the stairs. “He is totally whipped for you.” Alaida said nudging my shoulder. If only she knew that how wrong she is.

I'm happy because of his compliment but not too much cause I believe it's just a attraction for me. He is not whipped for me like Alaida said. He is not in love with me either. So I shouldn’t be too happy. “Be happy cause this shows he is slowly starting to like you.” I didn’t even realized when Alaida left with Ahren and Huriya came towards me. “I'm happy but just not too much.” Huriya gave me a reassuring smile but didn’t say anything else. This is what I love her about her the most is that she knows when to speak and when to give someone reassurance silently.

After this little incident I got back to working and attending few more guests. Lastly my parents and Azir came so I got busy with talking to Azir. I'm seeing him after a long time so I wanted to spend some time with him. But this young guy is more excited to talk to Alaida rather than me. Ahren is feeling jealous and continuously glaring at Azir which is worth looking at. Seriously getting jealous over a kid? That's so hilarious.


I don't know that what the fuck happened to me? When I looked at her I got bewildered by her beauty that I couldn’t look at anywhere else. I didn’t even look where I was walking and as a result I fell down. I made a fool of myself in front of everyone. Ya Allah that was so embarrassing! Some relatives especially few cousins were teasing me about it saying I'm so whipped for my wife which is not true at all.

But what's this strange feeling I'm feeling? I keep looking at her once in a while. She is looking so breathtaking in that saree. I saw her in saree for the first time and I have to admit that she looks more pretty in a saree. She should wear them often. What am I saying? I shook my head to get rid of these absurd thoughts taking over my mind.

She is so busy with working or talking to the guests that she is not even realizing that I'm looking at her. I'm surprised that she is talking to almost everyone so nicely despite being grumpy. She is only doing this for my parents and I hate to admit it but my respect for her increased today. I love how she always try to keep my parents happy even though as a husband I'm a jerk towards her.

My hold on the glass of juice tightened as I noticed many men staring at her including few of my male cousins. If only I could take off their eyes! But wait- why am I being so possessive for Aaidah? ‘That's because she is your wife you stupid man!’ My subconscious mind mocked me. This can't happen cause I don't consider her as my wife to feel possessive like this!

I kept telling myself not to look at her but I keep looking at her. This woman is so clueless about the stares she is getting because she is busy in talking to her brother and Alaida. Maybe she is also teasing Ahren. I guessed it by the way Alaida is continuously laughing whenever Aaidah says something and Ahren makes an annoyed face. 

Ahren should be with me as my best friend but instead he is with his wife. It's true that best friends change when they get a girlfriend or a wife. I rolled my eyes at that thought. I will punch him later when we are alone. Now I need to control my anger for him and this stupid little attraction for Aaidah.

After few minutes Ahren came to my side. “Finally you decided to ditch your wife and come to your best friend.” I mocked him. Meanwhile he glared at me which later changed into a grin. I looked at him raising my eyebrows in confusion. “Don't tell me that you are starting to like Aaidah.” I facepalmed myself after what he said. I didn’t expected him to say something stupid like this. I expected him to apologize to me for not giving me company.

“I don't like her. It's just a little attraction which will disappear soon.” I told him then took a sip of my juice. “But you are looking at her like you used to look at your first love.” My body stiffened and my grip on the glass tightened more. I'm just one step away from breaking the glass. Ahren is wrong, so wrong. I'm not looking at Aaidah like I used to look at Zaria.

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