Chapter 29


Since that day Aaran didn’t tease me again. Maybe because of what I said? I'm not sure but he is not teasing me anymore and I'm missing that. At least we used to have a nice time. Now my days are again getting boring. It's more boring since Zaria is admitted to the hospital. Asael bhai stay there. Maa also go there from university. Huriya is now living with her parents so she also doesn’t visit us that much. The house feels so empty and boring.

I didn’t go cause hospital makes me feel sick. I can tolerate anything but not the hospital neither the smell there. I did told the reason to both Asael bhai and Zaria so that they wouldn’t misunderstand me. They didn’t and they just told me to stay at home and rest even though my wound healed. But guess what? It left a small scar on my abdomen. 

I feel so frustrated everytime I look at it. I feel like killing that guy who stabbed me but Aaran already killed him. This made me remember that guy was just a pawn for my enemy. My enemy is someone else. They had sent that guy to kill me. Wallahi once I get to know who is my enemy who is messaging me and trying to kill me, I will kill him in the most merciless way.

I looked at my phone after I heard the notification sound. ‘Come downstairs. I'm waiting for you.’ Aaran messaged me. He came to my office today? But for what? Is something wrong? That thought made me start to panic. What if he got hurt? I quickly grabbed my purse and phone then left from my office, telling my secretary to close the door of my office since I'm in a hurry.

I went to the parking area looking for Aaran's car. After a while I found him. He is looking at me as he leaned against the car, his arms crossing over his chest. His sleeves are rolled up. He is wearing a white t-shirt. Damn! Again he is looking so hot. Well, he always looks hot. No wonder why girls are always so crazy for him.

“Why are you here?” I asked him after I was done fangirling over him. “I was going on the way to your office so I decided to pick you up. Let's go home together.” Did I heard it right? He wants us to go home together? How come he became so nice suddenly? “It's too late. I don't want you to get hurt again.” He said it so casually but his words made my heart skip a beat. Does he not know the effect he have on me?

“You could've told me that. I was worried for nothing.” I got inside the car. After that he also got inside the car and started to drive. “You don't have to worry for me. No one can hurt me.” I scoffed at what he said. “I will see how you talk back when you will get hurt.” He glared at me making me smirk.

“Eyes on the road Mr. Aaran Ibrahim.” He looked away from me now looking straight at the road and driving. I leaned back on the seat, looking outside the window. I'm actually tired and sleepy. I don't want to sleep in the car but I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. So I closed my eyes. Soon enough sleep took over me.


It was complete silence for few minutes straight so I looked over at Aaidah only to find her sleeping peacefully. After making my life a mess madam is sleeping in my car peacefully. I looked away from her and focused looking at the road cause I don't want us to get into an accident since I'm driving through the highway road.

It's only 10:30 pm yet the road is already empty. There are no vehicles around, no honking so no wonder Aaidah can sleep without getting disturbed by any noise. I was driving without any problem until I noticed a car following us. My hold on the steering wheel tightened. Fuck! How could I be so careless?

Why didn’t I notice this car earlier? Moreover I should have guessed it that something is wrong when I didn’t saw any other car around the road. Who's enemy is this? Mine or Aaidah's? Whoever this person is, they know that around this time I go back to home and use this highway road. So they already planned everything.

Now I'm driving with my left hand and with my right hand I took out my phone to send a message to my right hand man to inform him about the situation. I also sent him our location. I can fight but the problem is if there are too many men then obviously it will be a problem for me. I can't fight alone with all of them. 

Suddenly a car came in front of my car so I had to stop my car abruptly. Thankfully Aaidah still didn’t wake up from her sleep. Well last time she threw her slipper at me for disturbing her sleep. I don't want that to happen again. By now I understood that this woman loves her sleep more than anything in this world.

I looked in front of us at the car. If I didn’t stopped my car at the right time then both of our car would've crashed and we all would probably be dead by now. Someone came out of the car. Oh it's my enemy. A bastard who kept threatening me for a long time that he will kill me.

I came out of the car and looked behind at the car which was following us. Only three men came out from that car. And my enemy was alone in his car so total four men including him. No problem, I can fight them. But seriously this guy is stupid to come like this only with three men when he knows I don't show any mercy to my enemy neither his only three men can do anything to me.

I looked at the guy in front of me, smirking at him because of his stupidity. I leaned against my car looking at him and waiting for him or his stupid men to make any move. But they did nothing. So they didn't came to attack me? Did they came to only look at my face? I know that I'm handsome but I don't want some old men to look at me like a creep. That's disgusting.

“You are known for killing your enemy right away.” My stupid enemy finally decided to speak. I kept looking at him blankly without saying anything. “Why are you not killing me now?” Wow! He asked such a interesting question. “Because my wife is sleeping in the car and the gunshot will disturb her sleep.” I said my wife cause I wouldn't even let my enemies know that I don't have a good relation with Aaidah.

His eyes then moved towards my car looking exactly at Aaidah. Fucking bastard looking at her with those lustful eyes. If only she wasn’t sleeping then I would've shoot him already. “If you love your eyes then look away from my wife this instant.” He immediately looked away as he is now looking at me. “This is a warning. Next time I will come prepared to attack you.” I scoffed after what he said.

“Move your car.” With that saying I got inside the car again waiting for him to move aside his car so that I can start driving again. My men will also be here soon. This guy is stupid to think that I will let him go that easily. My men will take care of him and his men.

As soon as he moved aside his car, I started driving but not too fast so that I wouldn't wake up Aaidah. After half an hour we reached home. We would've reach early if I drove fast. I looked at her. She is still sleeping. How can someone sleep like this without waking up even for a second? She sleeps like a dead person. 

I got out of the car then went to her side and opened the door then unbuckled her seatbelt slowly not to wake her up. I can't take any risk. She is wearing heels today ans if she throws them at me then I will die or get a scar on my face cause she will obviously aim for my face. I took her purse which was kept on her lap and put it on my seat. I will grab it later after I take her to the room.

I picked her up then closed the door with my leg. Then I headed inside the house with her in my arms. She snuggled closer to my chest as if I'm a pillow. Here I'm having problem to walk while carrying her and she is getting comfortable in my arms! “You came ba-” Maa stopped speaking after she looked at me properly.

I groaned in annoyance after seeing maa smiling at me. She will tease me later because of this. “Go to your room. Go go.” She said in a low voice probably afraid that Aaidah might wake up from her sleep. I think even maa is aware how much this woman loves her sleep. I didn’t say anything to maa and directly went to my room or should I say our room?

I placed her on the bed gently then took off her heels. I covered her with the duvet. But suddenly she stirred in her sleep, moving her hair from her face. It's clear that her hair is disturbing her sleep. So I leaned in closer to her and moved away her hair from her face. She seems happy now, her calm expression is saying it all.

Now that I'm looking at her closely I can't deny the fact that she is really pretty. Now I understand why men are crazy for her and wants her. Not only she is pretty but she is also talented. Beauty with brain, exactly what a man wants in a woman. Without realizing it I kept staring at her.

Even in her sleep she can feel someone's stare? Cause she stirred in her sleep again and started tossing around. Thus I immediately backed off from her and now she looks calm once again. Damn she is a mafia queen for a reason. Even though she is in a deep sleep yet she felt my stare on her.

But then again those who are in mafia are like this. They are prepared to be like this. Even when we are sleeping, we have to be aware and since that's what we were taught since kids, we got habitual to it. That's why on instinct we can feel it even in our sleep if someone stare at us or even make a small noise.

I looked at her again but from far away. She looks so peaceful right now. I also noticed another thing that she didn’t put on any makeup except the lip balm which she always use and carry it in her purse, something I noticed about her unwillingly. Yet she is looking breathtaking that too in her sleep. I never thought that I would find any other woman pretty besides Zaria. But I think I found one and that is none other than my wife.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about đŸ„€ đŸ‡§đŸ‡©