Chapter 28


After our last encounter Aaran is not stopping teasing me. He tease me with every chance he gets by telling me that I was drooling over him. I mean yeah that's true but he don't have to say it again and again. Right now I'm sulking cause he is teasing me again and smirking at me.

“Don't you have work to do?” I asked him and he shook his head negatively. “Teasing you is more important.” I took the cushion from the couch and threw it at him. “Why are you torturing the poor cushion?” He said while caressing the cushion as if it's a person. “It's not the cushion's fault that you were drooling over me.” I huffed in annoyance, glaring at him.

I stood up from the couch to leave from the room. “Oof Aaidah Sheikh can't bear ny teasing anymore so she is leaving.” I turned around to glare at him again. Instead of backing off, he is sheepishly smiling at me. “I can't bear your presence that's why I'm leaving.” Of course I lied. “Sure. I understand.” He snickered! He is again making fun of me.

I left from our room and went to Huriya's room. I sat on her bed. Once again sulking over the fact that Aaran is teasing me again and again. Huriya asked me what happened so I told her everything though now my cheeks are burning up in embarrassment. “So what? He is your husband. You have every right to drool over him.” I thought she would laugh at me but she is giving me another reaction and motivating me.

“Right. Why didn’t I say this to him?” This time Huriya started laughing so I looked at her confused. “Because someone is madly in love with her husband which is why she can't think straight.” She teased me so I glared at her. Both cousins are same! They will obviously tease. I guess teasing runs in their blood.

“Why did you came out from the room? This is your chance to get close to him. Instead of ignoring you, he is teasing you. You didn’t even had to do anything.” It's like someone just poured a bucket of cold water on me. Ya Allah what did I do? I should have stayed in the room and talk to him more. At least fighting with him would be nice too rather than ignoring each other.

Huriya is glaring at me. I mean I deserve that for being so stupid. “You need to control your anger issues if you want to make him head over heels for you.
” Huriya said calmly so I nodded my head. “Did you talk to him regarding the messages you are getting from that unknown number?” I shook my head negatively. “Then what are you waiting for? Go and talk to him about it. You shouldn’t delay in this matter. You already got hurt once.” Huriya is right. Last time I got hurt but what if my family gets hurt this time? I can't let that happen.

I said bye to Huriya then came back to our room only to see that Naida in our room. A file is in her hand as she stood in front of Aaran who is sitting on the bed. They are probably talking about business. But couldn’t they do it downstairs? Why Naida had to come to our room? “Aaran can't we meet outside?” What? Why would she meet with Aaran outside? They can talk at home or at office.

“After how many rejections you will stop being like this?” Aaran asked back in an irritated tone. He looked up from the papers. After he noticed me, he kept staring at me. This made Naida look at me too. “Our work is done so you can leave. My wife is here so I need you to leave from our room.” I'm shocked at what Aaran said but yet I kept my face blank. I will never let outsiders know about our actual relation. They will always know that we are a happily married couple.

Naida left but I saw tears in her eyes. I feel bad cause I know how it feels to be in one sided love. But I can't do anything. She should stay away from Aaran since she knows he is a married man now. I went inside and locked the door. “Don't think about anything else. I said that to make her leave. She was getting on my nerves.” I smiled while looking at him. “You told me not to expect anything from you which I still remember.”

After what I said Aaran kept looking at me for few minutes without saying anything else to me. I didn’t say anything wrong though. “Good and it should stay like that.” He just shattered my heart with his seven sentence. Did he really had to say that? I was excited while coming in our room that I will try my best to make him fall in love with me anyhow. But this man keeps giving me reasons not to try it. His words and actions are enough to let me know that I will get hurt in the end yet I don't want to give up.

At least I will try. I might get hurt but I won't give up easily. I love him and as Huriya said he is my husband so it's my right. Will he keep ignoring me for the rest of his life? We got married! He will fall in love with me at some point right? Some might think that I'm being delusional but no I'm just thinking about what may actually happen. It's not like he will love Zaria even when he will be old. He can't keep on loving her cause everyone moves on. Some people just takes too much time to move on.

I took out my phone and showed him all the messages. He frowned as he put away his laptop then looked at me. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” He yelled at me. For what he is yelling? It's my phone so my wish. “What if you got hurt again? Or what if Azir got hurt?” I only focused on the fact that he was only caring about me and Azir. Not even for once he said anything about him getting hurt even though my enemy clearly stated that they will hurt Aaran too.

“I saw you being stressed about your work so I didn’t told you anything.” I lied cause I can't tell him the truth. But it's half true. He seemed stressed so I didn’t wanted to stress him more. He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. “Work will come and go but someone's life wouldn’t come back again if something happens to them.” He said while directly staring at me in the eye as if he is reminding me what happened to me few days ago.

I looked away from him but he pulled my face towards him by holding my chin. “Do I make you nervous and speechless, Aaidah?” He asked with a grin on his face. He is making fun of me probably but I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach because of his touch on my chin, his grin and his question. “No! You don't.” I told him and his grin widened more as he leaned in closer to me. What is he doing? Wallahi I will kill him today if he is going to tease me again.

“I'm sure I'm the first man in your life who makes you feel like this.” I gulped, he is damn right about this. “You are forgetting that I had a boyfriend.” I put my hands in his chest to push him away. He moved away on his own. I took that chance to look away. How do I tell him that he actually makes me nervous that I can't look at him? “Do you want me to hold your chin and make you look at me again? Is that why you keep looking away from me?” He is again teasing me.

“Tell me Aaidah Sheikh-” My full name from his mouth sounds so satisfying. “Was your ex like me? Did he made you feel like how I'm making you feel? Did he made you look at him everytime you looked away from him?” How to stop these butterflies from erupting in my stomach? He knows what he is exactly doing to me!

Despite having butterflies I can't ignore the fact that he is behaving like a husband. He is teasing me like a husband tease their wives. He keeps telling me not to have any expectations, not to behave like his wife. What about the way he is behaving since yesterday? I can't help but think that maybe things are going to change between us. Maybe he is acting cold deliberately cause that's how he is. Or maybe he is falling for me too but don't want to admit it yet.

I have a hope that everything will be fine between us. Like Huriya said I shouldn’t run away from him. If he keeps teasing me then let him do that. I won't stay quiet either. This is my only chance to get closer to him. At least be friends with him even if we can't be a perfect couple. I took a deep breath then looked at him. He is also looking at me. Seems like he didn’t look away from me not even for once.

“Maybe you are not the first man but if you want then you can become the last man to make me feel these things.” He looks taken aback after what I said. I smirked seeing his expression changing suddenly. Finally I made him speechless! He teased me a lot and now it's my turn. I will have so much fun in teasing him.

“Forget all these. Give me the number of that unknown person. We need to work on it.” I snickered at him so he glared at me. He is now changing the topic. “Instead of snickering at me why don't you work? Then I won't have to murder someone for you again.” I bite my inside cheeks to stop myself from smiling. At first I used to hate our bickering but now I'm starting to like it.

Our bickering and trying to find out who that unknown person is might be a way for us to get closer. After how Aaran is behaving with me, I'm sure that our relation will improve. I will try my best to make things work between us. I will try my best to make this possible as if my life depends on it. My life definitely depends on it cause now I have fallen in love with Aaran Ibrahim. I love him that means my life depends on him as well as our relation.

I had lost my first love but it's because he cheated on me. In Aaran's case I trust him that he will never cheat on me. Aaran is not my second love. He is my last. Though my love for him is not that deep yet but I can tell that I'm going to love him so much. I will love him more than anything in this world and I can never love anyone else like him. He couldn’t be my first but I will make sure that he will be my last in everything. If it's not him then no one else for me. It would only have to be Aaran. 

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