Chapter 27


After Zaria's birthday party I also started ignoring Aaran. It's not like that we used to talk anyways. But now I don't even look at his way. Aaran also do the same thing. I'm sure that he is happy because I'm not even looking at his way cause he warned me not to fall in love with him or act like his wife in any way unless we are in front of our family.

Others don't pay much attention to us but I can tell that Huriya knows nothing is good between us. She keeps asking me if I need her help. But why would I take her help to impress him when he loves someone else? He doesn’t even care about me. ‘Are you sure? He killed someone for you.’ My subconscious mind said. “He killed that guy because of his responsibility, nothing more than that.” I mumbled to myself.

“What are you whispering to yourself?” Zaria asked who now came in the kitchen. Oh her due date is after a week. So she will be admitted to the hospital soon cause Asael bhai don't want to compromise with her health. He is excited at the same time he is freaking out. Anyone can tell that by the way he is behaving recently. He even took few days off from his office. I heard that he had assigned all his work to his best friend. Now bhai always stay at home to take care of Zaria till the baby is born.

“Come back to earth Aaidah.” I came back to reality by Zaria's voice. “I'm just stressed because of my work.” I smiled at her to ressure her that I'm really fine as she is looking at me suspiciously. Aaran loves her yet I can't hate her cause it's not her fault at all. This girl always try not to come in front of Aaran except when we are eating together. She can't ignore him at that time obviously. I'm a bit frustrated with Aaran. Why can't he stop loving her? Sometimes I wonder what's so special in her that Aaran loves her so much? Why is it so hard for him to forget her?

I sighed shaking my head to get rid of these thoughts. Nowadays I think a lot about all these things. I try not to think about Aaran but my mind always drift off to him. I get lost in my thoughts so much that I can't concentrate in my work neither I hear anything properly if anyone speaks to me.

I went uptairs to our room. I feel bad to even say our room. It will never be my room. It's like a guestroom for me. It doesn’t feel like my own room nowadays. The house wouldn’t even feel like a home if I lived alone with Aaran. Alhamdulillah that we live with his family. Because of them I'm still strong and sometimes I really do enjoy my days.

My phone vibrated so I took it out to see who texted me only to see a text from an unknown number. I'm receiving lots of text from unknown number. Same shit that I will get killed. Aaran and Azir will also get killed because of my mistake. I can't even find out who this bastard is. Since I started ignoring Aaran, I didn’t told him about this. Though he said that he will help me but now my ego, self respect and mostly my anger towards him won't let me take his help.

For what I'm angry at him actually? Aaran told me from the beginning that he loves someone else. He kept warning me not to fall in love with him. He never acted like a good husband, never acted lovey-dovey with me yet I fell in love with this cold hearted jerk. My situation is so messed up. Ya Allah I need to stop thinking about him and these useless thoughts. I wouldn't get any answer anyways.

I entered inside our room only to see the room being messy. Things are scattered around. Most of them are files and a vase which is now broken into pieces. I looked up at to see Aaran is standing on the bed. I looked at him confused. “What the hell? What did you do to the room?” I'm not cleaning the mess. Neither any of the maid will clean it. He created it so he will clean it by himself.

“Nothing.” I glared at him. He call this nothing? The whole room is a mess. “Ahhhhh-” I flinched when I heard a scream only to find out that Aaran is screaming. Guess for what? Because a cockroach is flying around. He got down from the bed and hid behind me. “Make this creature go away!” Is he stupid or what? He made the room a mess just because of a cockroach?

“Ya Allah! Woman help me! Why are you standing like a statue?” Even girls are not this much dramatic when they are scared of anything. The cockroach fell on the ground. I took off my slipper and hit the cockroach with it and it died in a few seconds. I turned around as I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at Aaran who is staring the cockroach probably making sure that it actually died.

“It is dead!” I said loudly to get his attention and it worked cause now he is looking at me. He is again back to giving me that cold expression of his. “Don't you dare give me that cold expression when I killed this small creature for you.” He scoffed after what I said. He did what? He scoffed? I hate this man's audacity so much!

I glared at him. He sighed as he looked down again. “Throw it away! It disgust me.” He looks like he is about to have a panic attack so without arguing back I threw away the cockroach in the dustbin. I also feel disgusted now so first I washed my hands properly then came out of the bathroom. I can't even walk properly. That's how messy the room is right now.

Instead of cleaning the room he is sitting on the couch like a king. “You call yourself a mafia king yet you are scared of a mere cockroach.” I mocked him and he immediately looked up at me more like glaring at me. If looks could kill I would've been dead already. But I said the truth! “Clean the roo-” He cut me off by saying, “The maid will do it.”

I remained quiet for a while so he again looked at me. “No maid will do it. You did it yourself because of a cockroach so you clean the room!” He stood up and started coming near me but I didn’t step back cause why would I? I'm not scared of him. “We pay the maid for her work. So this is her duty.” He said as he now stood in front of me. Thankfully he stood at a good distance from me.

“The maids already do lots of work and for your kind information she had already cleaned the room in the morning. You will make her work twice but you won't pay her dou-” For the second time he cut me off again. “I will pay her double.” I glared at him as I clenched my fists. I'm just one step away from punching him. “Will you do it or should I call maa?” As soon as I mentioned maa his expression changed into a panicked one.

“Fine I will clean the room.” I smirked after hearing his response. “I just don't want maa to give me a lecture about how I don't care about the maid just because she works at our house that's why I'm doing it. Don't think too much about it.” His look is telling me that he wants to strangle me but poor guy is stopping himself from doing it. Cause if he does that then his maa will strangle him.

I came out of the room so that he can clean it. No way I will stay there while he cleans cause I'm sure the whole time he will just glare at me or we will end up arguing with each other again. But it's so funny and I couldn’t stop myself from bursting out in laughter. I forgot I was in the living room where everyone is seated now.

“What's so funny?” Huriya asked me. I controlled myself from laughing more as I told everyone what happened. “You don't know how scared he gets if he sees a cockroach.” Asael bhai said this time.“If you two ever fight then use a cockroach to get revenge on him.” Bhai said as he is smirking while looking at me. “Wow bhai you gave me a good idea!”

If I knew about this fear of Aaran then I wouldn't have burn his car. Instead I would've put many cockroaches inside his car. I still can do this. The thought itself made me smirk to myself. “How come he didn’t call the maid to clean the room?” At Huriya's question now everyone's eyes is on me. So I told them how I threatened him and now he is cleaning the room.

“That's like my daughter-in-law.” Baba patted my head. This family really made it easy for me to live happily. Unknowingly they help me not to overthink about anything especially about Aaran and my feelings for him. “Why are you so gloomy suddenly?” Maa asked, nothing goes unnoticed by them. They notice every little thing about me. They even notice my expression.

I told her that it's nothing. I got up from the couch to go to the library. I will read a book to distract myself. As I entered inside the library, Huriya came too and closed the door. She is giving me the look that ‘you better tell me what's wrong’ I think I will suffer more if I keep it all to myself so I ended up telling her everything.

Huriya kept looking at me without saying anything. Is she judging me for liking Aaran? She doesn’t seem like that type of person but who knows what a person is actually thinking. “Impress him.” My eyes widened in shock at what she said. “Try to make him fall in love with you.” I shook my head negatively. I was about to speak but she cut me off. “Aaidah, we both know that he can't always keep on loving Zaria. He will also get hurt all the time. He needs to move on.”

I couldn’t say anything else because she is right. “You are his wife so you have every right to try to make him love you. Right?” I nodded my head. “I'm sure you don't like seeing him hurt. If he sees Zaria with love then you can also notice the pain in his eyes. Can't you?” Last time I did noticed pain in his eyes along with love and admiration.

“But he is madly in love with her.” I said being defeated already without even trying. “That might change if you try do something.” I looked at her confused. What should I even do? “How did you even become a CEO when you don't even know how to impress a man?” This time I looked at her being offended.

“Okay okay I'm telling you what to do. Listen to me carefully.” Once again I nodded my head as now my full attention is on her. “First of all don't ignore him. Try to always start a conversation with him anyhow.” I frowned so she looked at me questionably. “We start fighting as soon as I open my mouth.” She started laughing making me frown more.

“Then fight. Sometimes love blossom after hatred.” She have a point. “But your cousin is a jerk! He will keep on hating me and fight with me for the rest of his life.” I whined like a kid. Love makes any person go crazy right? I'm behaving like a teenage girl right now and I hate myself for that. “How did you made your ex fall in love with you?” I glared at her. Just the mention of that cheaters makes my blood boil in anger.

I calmed myself down cause I won't ruin my present for him. “We were classmates and sometimes we used to talk. I did liked him because he was good, treated me nicely unlike others but I never expected him to like me. but then suddenly he proposed me. I always wondered how come he fell in love with a girl like me. I got my answer after he cheated on me.” Huriya's eyes widened in shock. I guess she didn’t knew that my ex cheated on me. “Okay leave him. He is your past and we are talking about your present which is my stupid cousin.”

I'm glad that even Huriya thinks he is stupid. “Try to talk to him. Spend time with him. First become his friend! That way both of your relationship will progress.” How to become friends with him? Then suddenly it hit me I can use my enemy for that. I told Huriya everything and also the thing that Aaran said he would help me. “Perfect! Try to find out that person together. That way you will have a chance to get more closer to him then you can also catch that guy who is threatening you. Go with this plan first. After that we will see what else we can do.”

I hugged Huriya tightly who obviously got shocked which is why she didn’t hug me for first few minutes but later she hugged me back. “Thank you so much! If you weren’t here then I would have just suffer all by myself while seeing him love someone else.” We pulled away from the hug as Huriya looked at me smiling. “Just take me out to eat as a thank you.” She winked at me making us both laugh.

“Don't tell Zaria about all these. She will feel guilty and stress. Let her be happy in her life with bhai.” I know that Huriya won't say anything to anyone but still I said it so that she wouldn’t even say anything by mistake. She nodded her head at what I said. After that she left. I also left from the library after taking my book.

I went to our room. The room is not messy anymore. But where is he? I can't see him around. Suddenly I heard the shower running. I guess he is taking a shower. I sat on the couch and started to read the book. This book is interesting so I got engrossed in it quickly.

“After making me work you are reading a book so peacefully.” Out of nowhere Aaran whispered near my ear and I jumped in my place. I closed the book and turned around to look at him. He is only in a towel. Water droplet is falling from his hair to his shoulder. Damn, he looks so sexy right now. My eyes went downwards towards his abs. He have six pack abs! I shouldn’t be shocked but yet I'm shocked.

“Eyes on me when I'm talking to you.” He said after putting his index finger on my chin and lifting up my face to make me look at him. Amusement is dancing in his eyes and his lips curved up in a sly smile. At this moment he is looking more sexy with this sly smile. “I know I'm sexy but you don't have to stare at me so shamelessly.” My cheeks started heating up at what he said.

What am I doing? I never did this with any guy in my life. I never even looked at my ex like this. ‘Your ex wasn’t this sexy like your husband.’ My subconscious mind said. “Did my sexiness got your tongue?” Why is he even speaking like this? I can't stop fangirling over him! Someone stop him or make him go away from me. “Let me give you a better view.” He said then held his towel as if he will remove it.

My eyes widened in shock. Is he really going to do that? I'm excited at the same time I'm nervous cause this will be my first time seeing a guy fully naked. I kept looking at him shamelessly not even caring that what will he think of me. Suddenly he removed his hand from the towel. What? Is he not going to remove it?

He leaned in closer to me and hit me on my forehead with his finger. “What are you thinking?” I glared at him while rubbing my forehead. He have hit me too hard. “Why are you teasing me?” I said through gritted teeth. “You forced me to clean the room so I thought to take revenge by teasing you.” He said as he is smirking at me.

I really want to wipe that smirk from his face. “Don't get your hopes high. I will never be fully naked in front of you.” Oh please! Just wait and watch. One day I will make him strip and make him fully naked in front of me. He will do it on his own. I promise myself that I will make him do it.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩