Chapter 11


It's been few days since Alaida kissed me on my right cheek. I was beyond shocked. For the first time I blushed. This girl had the power to make me blush which no other girl could do. Many girls tried touching me but their touch always burned me while Alaida's touch gave me pleasure. I mean she didn’t touch me but her lips did touched my cheek. That was enough to make me go crazy and get hard just by that simple kiss of hers.

It was a good thing that she ran away to the bathroom otherwise I would've feel embarrassed if she saw me blushing. I would've been more embarrassed if she saw my hardened member. Besides me getting embarrassed, she would've got scared again like last time which I don't want to happen again. These days I tried my best to be careful around her. I didn’t make her realize that I get hard because of her.

I used to take cold showers in the bathroom of my office so she wouldn’t know. Just one look of hers, one smile of hers is enough to make me needy for her. But I know my limits not to do anything to her yet. I will never even let her know about it till I make sure that she is comfortable with me and not scared of me anymore.

First I need to make her fear go away that not all men are some. Though most men are bastards which I can't deny unfortunately. But she needs to know at least that I'm not like those bastards. I'm her husband who will protect her, who won't touch her without her permission so she should be able to trust me. Though I understand it would be really hard for her to trust me because of her past.

On top of that I forced her to marry me. She still hates me for that. She doesn’t leave any chance to taunt me for that. I don't say anything to her for this. Instead I keep quiet cause I know it was my fault so the least I can do is to listen to her taunts like a obedient husband instead of getting angry.

After that kiss she ignored me for two days then she started to talk to me again that too because she wanted me to take her outside to buy her some things. She didn’t talk about the kiss at all. She is behaving as if she never kissed me. I also kept quiet about it knowing that she must be embarrassed. Plus it was just a kiss on the cheek. It isn’t even a big deal. I keep saying this even though I know it matters a lot me.

I sighed, putting my hands in my hairs. I should stop thinking about it and focus on my work. I'm being less attentive to my work nowadays which is why a bastard had the audacity to think he can hurt my fiore. He was stupid to think I wouldn’t notice it. My men are all around her college to keep her safe while I'm at work so they will know immediately if someone is following her.

I got to knew yesterday by one of my man that this guy who is the son of my rival is following Alaida. They want to use her against me. They think she is my weakness but what they don't know is that she is my strength. They are not aware of what I would do to them just for thinking about hurting her. Right now it's time to send a gift to my rival.

I should work on it but for that I need to leave from house cause just right now one of my most trusted man, Akib messaged me that they took that guy to our abandoned building where we torture those who betray us or the criminals. I stood up from the chair to leave just then Alaida barged inside my office with a tray on her hand where there is a cup too.

I sat back down on my chair looking at her who came near me placing the tray in front of me on the table. “Coffee for you.” So she is starting to care for me? I smiled at her and took the cup of coffee. “I have put poison in your coffee.” She said before I could take a sip. “I'm sure this poison became sweet after you touched it.” With that saying I took a sip. I'm not gonna lie, the coffee is damn good. Just what I needed before going to work.

As I was sipping the coffee I looked at her to see that her face turned crimson red which made me smirk. I know she didn’t put poison. She said that to only annoy me cause nowadays she tries many things to annoy me like ruining my documents, my shirt or drawing on my face while I sleep. Honestly I find these cute instead of annoying.

I only got annoyed when she had ruined my documents but I didn’t show it to her. I had this urge to fuck the shit out of her as her punishment and to make her understand that she shouldn’t do this kind of thing again. Cause these documents are important and it takes few days to prepare them again. But obviously I couldn’t do anything what I thought of doing cause she is still not comfortable with me.

“Bhaiyaaa!” I snapped back to reality by her voice. I looked at her and smiled, a forced smile actually. I might end up fucking her one day for calling me bhaiya. “Is the coffee good?” She asked while fidgeting with her fingers. Oh she is nervous to know about my answer. That's interesting. I would love to tease her but at the same time I don't want to make her more nervous. “It's the best coffee I had.” As soon as I said that a smile appeared on her face.

After I finished the coffee we both went out from my office, going downstairs. “I will be late tonight so have your dinner. Don't wait for me.” She nodded her head. The sudden change of her mood didn’t go unnoticed by me. “What happened?” She didn’t answer for few minutes so I asked her again. “Maa is not at home. You are also leaving. I will be scared.” She is stupid if she thinks I will leave her all alone in this hugw mansion when I know she can't stay alone.

“The female bodyguards will be here in the living room. Other two will be beside our room so you don't need to be scared.” She became happy after what I told her. “I will never leave you alone. I wouldn't go either if my work wasn’t important.” She smiled at me which made my heart skip a beat. “It's okay. I won't be scared anymore. Allah Hafez.” I smiled back at her. “Allah Hafez my fiore.” With that saying I left.

Maa went to my granny's house since she is sick. Maa will stay there for few days. Since she left I used to come back home before evening. I was at home today since it's a day off for both me and her. But now I need to go out to deal with that bastard. I need to do it before he hurts Alaida. Otherwise I would've never leave her alone. But I told my men to tighten the security. Even the female bodyguards of hers will be with her till I go back home.

I had hired female bodyguards because she is not comfortable around men. Though there are my men who protect her but by staying away from her. They won't come in front of her and stay in the shadow. But they will definitely come in front of her if she is in dangerous. I also told her to co-operate with them if there is ever any situation like that.

After an hour I reached in the abandoned building. I got out of my car and went inside. Akib quickly came towards me. “We still didn’t start torturing him because we were waiting for your order.” I looked at Akib with a wicked smile. “I will torture him myself.” I went to the room where that bastard is kept. He is tied up in a chair. He is continuously screaming to let him go. We didn’t even do anything, he is already screaming like a maniac. I wonder how he will scream once I will start torturing him?

[Gore scene ahead which might be uncomfortable for some people❗]

“Get me the stick.” Akib brought it and immediately I started beating that bastard everywhere with the stick. He dared to follow my wife. He dared to look at my wife with lust in his eyes. Now he will know the consequences for doing that. As I was beating him, he kept screaming. But after a while he stopped. I looked at him to see him fully covered with injuries and blood. I'm also covered in blood, with his blood of course. My white shirt is completely drenched in blood. I regret wearing a white shirt today.

I went near him as I pulled his hair from behind making him look up at me. “You dared to look at my wife which was your biggest mistake. I will give everyone a message not to go after my wife through you.” He groaned in pain and tried to speak but couldn't. “Get me the axe.” Immediately fear took over him and he started to struggle badly. Akib brought the axe then handed it to me. I looked at the bastard in front of me with a smirk on my face.

“Hold his leg.” I ordered my men who quickly held his leg in one place. “Your father had sent you to follow her right?” I asked while looking at him. He nodded his head as if that would save him. “Then I should send him a gift.” With that saying I put the ax on his knee and cut his leg into half. He screamed in pain which gave me satisfaction.

I looked at Akib who understood my sign. He wore gloves then took the other half of that bastard's leg then put in a box, a box wrapped up beautifully like a gift box. “Your father should know that if he send anyone else after her then they wouldn’t be capable of walking again.” I stared at him coldly. “You will regret it! I will kill your wif-” Bang! I looked behind me to see Akib had shot him in his head.

[Gore scene ends here]

I looked at him confused. “No one can dare to say anything wrong about our king's wife. She is now our queen and we will kill anyone who dares to hurt her or even say a bad word about her.” I'm proud of my men. I'm happy to know that if I'm not here then my men will protect her. “Will you go back home like this?” He asked me and I nodded my head cause I don't have any spare clothes here.

I usually sneak to my office and change so that maa wouldn't see me. Maa is not at home today and I'm sure Alaida must have slept by now. So I can easily go to to my office, change then go to our room. Since I sleep on the couch I'm not afraid to disturb her sleep by laying down on the bed.

After five hours I reached home. I had some other works to do that's why I got late. I entered inside my house and dismissed the female bodyguards who were in the living room. I was about to go near the staircase when I saw Alaida coming from the kitchen. Her eyes widened in shock after she saw me. I also froze in ny place. Shit I didn't wanted her to see me like this.

“You look hot.” She blurted out. What? I thought she will be scared and scream after seeing me covered in blood. But here she is saying that I look hot? As the realization hit me, I smirked at her causing her face to turn red. I thought my wife is innocent but I was so wrong to think like that.

“I m-mean you look s-scary.” She stuttered that means she is lying. She stutter when she is lying or she is nervous and scared. “You said the truth jaan. Don't try to deny it now. It's not good to lie, right?” She nodded her head then her eyes widened in shock maybe because she realized that she agreed with me. I was afraid to come in front of her like this. But since she finds me hot like this I can kill thousands of people and come home like this all covered in blood, just for her.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about đŸ„€ đŸ‡§đŸ‡©