Chapter 10


It's been few days since that incident and our last conversation. Now Ahren don't let me go to college alone at all. He comes to pick me up thirty minutes before my college ends. He also hired few bodyguards for me and gave me their number to call them in case Fahir appear again. Thankfully he didn’t came again. Putting all these aside, I made few friends but I know not to get too close to them cause I don't trust people easily.

Ahren also told me not to trust anyone neither reveal anything about me too much. Cause his enemies know that he is now married to me so they might send someone in disguise as a student to trick me. They will use me against him. But the question is that will Ahren even care if his enemy hurts me? Whatever I don't care. Even if someone try to hurt me I know that my brothers will be there to protect me.

As for Ahren and me, we both talk but not that much. He always cook for me. I also got to knew that maa didn’t let him hire any maid because she likes to do everything on her own. And here I was judging him and cursing him that he don't care about maa. But then again he never did anything good to me from the beginning so it's obvious that I will judge him.

Right now I'm getting ready cause today is EXO's concert day. I can't wait to go and see them live in front of my eyes! I have been so excited since last night that I couldn’t even eat anything. Even now as I'm getting ready I'm smiling to myself. Ahhh I will see my bias Baekhyun. “Why are you smiling so much?” Here comes Mr. Ahren, the grumpy man. I glared at him who is now looking at me innocently.

I didn’t answer him as I started to fix my hair. I tied up my hair in a bun cause I won't let anything disturb me today not even my hair. I looked at myself one last time and smiled. I wore a light pink colour kurti. The kurti is simple, no designs on it. Most of my kurti are actually simple cause I don't like them being gorgeous. With the kurti I wore a white plazo pant then a white colour orna (scarf)

“You will wear sneakers instead of heels?” Ahren asked while I sat down on the couch to wear my shoes. I nodded my head. My love for sneakers knows no bounds! I'm wearing desi outfit yet I decided to wear my white jordan sneakers instead of wearing normal slippers or heels. I stood up from the bed then went towards him. “I'm ready. Let's go.”

I looked at him up and down. He wore a black shirt with black pants. His sleeves are rolled up till his elbow making him look sexy. He also wore white jordan sneakers. I looked at him raising my eyebrows. Did he just match his shoes with me? “I don't want to wear a pink shirt so I thought to match our shoes at least. Though at first I was hesitant cause I wasn’t sure if you would wear your sneakers today or not. Thankfully you did.” At last he smiled at me which took my breath away.

I can say this again and again that his smile is the most attractive thing about him. He looks more attractive when he smile genuinely. I hope that he never smile like this with another girl except me. I know I'm being possessive right now but I guess I'm starting to like him enough to feel jealous and be possessive. He coughed making me come back to reality. “Done checking me out?” I rolled my eyes at him.

“How did you guess that I will wear white sneakers? I could've wear another colour.” I asked him genuinely being curious about it. “You mostly wear the white ones. If you had wore another colour then I would've changed my shoes.” Does he know how much his words are effecting me? He even noticed which colour sneakers I wear most of the time. It might be a small thing for others but for me it's a big thing. Because someone cares for me that much to even notice this small thing.

“You will waste your time by getting lost in your thoughts.” His voice brought me back to reality. I looked at the clock to see the time then at him. “We will get late! Let's go quickly.” I took a step forward to go out from the room when he held the edge of my orna making me stop in my track. I looked at him confused that why he stopped me suddenly.

“You won't apply any makeup?” I shook my head negatively. “Why?” Now how do I answer this to him? It's a bit embarrassing. “Umm I actually never learned how to do make up. It was always maa or Huriya appi who did my makeup whenever I used to go somewhere. That was before I got married. Now I don't have them to do it for me.” I started fidgeting with my fingers. What if he judge me or laugh at me for this? Some girls at my school made fun of me when I told them that I don't know how to do makeup.

He smiled at me as if reassuring me that he won't judge me. How come he always knows what I'm thinking just by looking at my face?  “I didn’t learn mostly because I'm too lazy. I barely like to apply makeup cause removing it is hard. It's not hard actually, I'm just way too much lazy to do it.” I felt like telling him the reason even though he didn’t told me to say it to him.

“Okay I understand. You don't have to be embarrassed about it. It's okay not to know some things. Let's go. You wouldn’t want to get late right?” I immediately nodded my head. I followed him downstairs. We bid goodbye to maa then left. During the whole ride to the) concert venue I kept annoying Ahren by telling him everything about EXO. I was mostly fangirling which Ahren wasn’t liking at all. I asked him why and he told me that he is jealous.

Did I stopped after that? No. I wanted to annoy him more. His annoying face was worth looking at. I wish I could take a picture. If I had taken a picture he would've get more annoyed so I dropped the idea of clicking his picture for now. I might click one in future. The thought made me giggle to myself. “You seem really happy.” Ahren said breaking the silence. He is parking the car now. “Yes, a lot!!” I said while smiling like a kid who got a chocolate.

He kept staring at me without saying anything so I also stopped smiling. I bet I looked ugly. This is why I don't smile openly cause I feel insecure. “Smile more.” I looked at him dumbfounded. “You look breathtaking when you smile.” My cheeks started heating up. I usually don't get effected by anyone’s compliment cause I don't trust them. I believe they just compliment me to make feel good or because they pity me. But his one did something to me.

“T-thank you.” What the fuck! Why did I stutter? “Only a compliment from me made your face turn red and stutter.” He said while smirking at me. His smirk is making me blush more. “W-we are getting l-late.” He nodded his head, still smirking. I want to wipe off that smirk from his face. He got out from the car then came to my side opening the door for me. I again thanked him. We both entered inside the venue.

There are so many people. “Alaida.” I looked at Ahren after he called me. “Please let me hold your hand. I might lose you in the crowd.” He pleaded. I looked around us. Honestly it's true we might lose each other if we don't hold hands. “Okay.” Immediately a smile appeared on his face. If he will smile just by holding my hand then I will gladly let him hold my hand everyday.

He held my hand tightly as if he is afraid to lose me. I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled. My hand is so small compared to his. “So small and soft.” He mumbled but I heard it. Is he talking about my hand? He is right though. His hand is so rigid and rough. It definitely looks like a man's hand. Meanwhile mine looks like a kid's hand.

“Let's go.” He started dragging me but slowly making sure I don't fall down. After lots of difficulty we found our seat. Our seat is in the front. That means I can look at my boys properly. We sat down as I took out my phone. Of course I need to prepare myself to take their videos. As I was doing my work I could feel Ahren staring at me but I didn’t look at him.

Soon EXO came. They started performing and I started screaming along with everyone else. I got up from my seat to click their pictures and take videos of some performance. Right now they stopped performing as they are talking. As we see them in the videos, they are actually very funny.

Suddenly Baekhyun looked at me and waved his hand at me. I waved back my hand, smiling at him. He got down from the stage coming towards me. He took off his jacket and gave it to me. “Take it pretty woman.” I took it as I started to blush. Byun Baekhyun gave me a compliment so how can I not blush?

I'm glad that no fans attacked him after he got down from the stage. Everyone is respecting him and cheering for us also telling me how lucky I am. “Is he your boyfriend? Cause he is glaring at me.” I looked behind me to see Ahren glaring at Baekhyun. He clenched his fists meaning he is controlling himself from punching Baekhyun.

“He is my husband.” As soon as I said that Ahren unclenched his fists and he looked at me, a smile appearing on his face. He then looked at Baekhyun and his smile disappeared immediately. “Don't look at me like that. I won't steal your wife. She was cheering for us a lot so I decided to give her my jacket to make her happy.” Baekhyun spoke with a warm smile on his face. After what he said everyone screamed loudly.

“I'm going before your husband end up killing me with his eyes.” Baekhyun whispered to me so that only I can hear him. But let me tell you, he made sure to keep his distance while whispering. He didn’t came too close to me. I smiled at him, my eyes sparkling with joy. He gave a flying kiss then got back on the stage.

I sat down on my seat holding the jacket tightly. The smell is so intoxicating. I will keep this jacket safely in my closet with my clothes. Now it's very special to me cause I got it from my bias. “Are you done with clinging to it?” Ahren asked grumpily. “Look in front of you. The concert will end soon.” I quickly looked at my boys again focusing on whatever they were telling us.

Soon the concert came to an end and the members were leaving the stage. Baekhyun again looked at me but this time he winked at me then looked at Ahren sticking out his tongue. Wallahi if Baekhyun wasn’t a celebrity Ahren would've kill him already. After the concert ended, we came out getting inside the car.

I looked at Ahren trying to see if he is pissed off or not. He didn’t even look at me as he directly started to drive towards our home. After we reached home, he opened the door for me like before but after that he hurriedly went inside. Looks like someone is very jealous.

Maa was in the living room reading a newspaper so I went to her. I started to tell her everything and she listened to me attentively. “He really winked at you?” Maa asked while laughing, I nodded my head. “You should go see Ahren then. I'm sure he is so pissed off.” Suddenly it made me feel scared. Will he hurt me? “Don't worry. He won't hurt you. Even if he does then scream loudly, I will be there soon.” I hugged maa as a thank you then came to our room.

I entered inside the room then closed the door, looking at him who is unbuttoning his shirt's buttons aggressively. I think I have gone mad cause what he is doing, I'm finding it sexy. Though it's not the time to admire him. I stood in front of him as I held his hand stopping him from unbuttoning his buttons. “Do it calmly.” He took a deep breath then he looked down at me, his eyes softening.

“I'm jealous, Alaida.”

“I know.”

“I wanted to kill him.”

“I know.”

“I hate him.”

“Okay. But I lo-” He put his index finger on my lips making me stop talking. “Don't break my heart by completing that sentence.” He sounded so vulnerable. I hate to admit it but it is doing something to me thus instead of annoying him like usual I agreed not to complete that sentence anymore.

He removed his finger from my lips, immediately making me crave for his touch. What's happening to me? I hate it whenever anyone touch me then why am I not hating it when he touched me? “Go freshen up.” He told me but I stood on my tiptoe and kissed him on his right cheek. “He is just a celebrity but you are my husband who have more priority than anyone else.” With that saying I ran away to the bathroom.

I leaned against the door, fanning over my cheeks which are burning now. Why did I kissed him? Why did I said that to him? What's happening to me? Am I already falling in love with him? Is that why I acted like that? Maybe that's the reason why I feel so comfortable around him? Allah, please help me to find answers of all these questions.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩