Chapter 8


The moment I saw Fahir touching Alaida, I lost my mind. I wanted to burn down the whole world. I went inside only because she wasn’t coming out. I thought that maybe she made new friends and she was talking to them since it's her first day at college today. But after a while I felt restless. The building was empty, meaning everyone left. Immediately I went inside to search for her when I saw what was happening.

Honestly I would've kill him right there but I didn’t wanted to scare her who was already scared enough. The way she hugged me so tightly made me aware of her panic attack. At that moment she was the only thing that was on my mind. I only knew that I need to get her out of here and calm her down first. So that's what I did.

I know she hates me that's why I asked her if she wants to go to her house. Maybe then she will feel much better. But surprisingly she said no. I was surprised that she was willing to stay with me even in this situation. But I was glad that I could be there for her in her difficult time. I couldn’t be with her in the past but from now on she will have me right by her side all the time.

I let her go to the bathroom. She needs some time alone obviously. But after she came out from the bathroom I wish I didn’t let her go. She have hurt her neck just because of what that bastard did. Ya Allah give me patience. Otherwise I will go to his house right now and murder him. I took a deep breath to calm down. I need to stay calm in order to console her.

I did console her and I also apologized for what I did. I don't know if she will forgive me or not. But I hope that she forgives me soon. I want to fix everything between us and live like a normal couple instead of fighting everyday. Though we fight because of how I behave with her. I admit that.

It's been two hours since I left her alone in our room. I should go check on her now. I got out from my office and went towards our room, slowly opening the door. I was expecting that I will find her crying or watching her Korean dramas to forget whatever happened. But she shocked me! She is sleeping peacefully. Of course I'm happy. I don't want to see tears in her eyes. I went near the bed, towards her as I sat down on the floor.

I keep staring at her. How can someone look this pretty and innocent? She looks so innocent just like a baby. Her big eyes, plump lips, her cute nose. Her hair which reach till her shoulder. I prefer long hair but nonetheless she slay in short hair too.

It feels surreal that this pretty woman is now my wife. For once Allah listened to my prayers and made her mine. I hate myself for forcing her. But what to do? I was desperate to marry her. Especially after knowing Fahir wanted to marry her. How can he even dream of marrying her after what he did to her?

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts cause I will get angry again. I should focus on admiring this pretty woman sleeping on my bed. Let me admire her while she is sleeping. I can't do it once she is awake. She will just say something rude to me for staring at her.

I touched her cheeks. Damn it! Her cheeks are so soft and squishy. I want to bite them. No no Ahren. Control yourself. I will scare her if I do anything. I got snapped back to reality by her voice. “L-leave me. Baba sa-save me.” She kept mumbling these two sentence in her sleep. She is also sweating and breathing heavily.

I started caressing her hair as I held her hand tightly. “It's okay. I'm here my jaan. It's just a nightmare.” I whispered to her hoping that it would calm her down. It worked! She pulled my hand to her chest, hugging it tightly. I chuckled at her cuteness.

I kept sitting on the floor as she kept holding my hand. She calmed down now. Her breathing also became stable. The whole time I kept staring at her while she was sleeping until I felt her moving around a bit in her sleep. She will wake up anytime so I looked away from her. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

I got startled as she suddenly screamed so loudly. I looked at her confused. “Why are you holding me?” I rolled my eyes at her after what she said. “You were the one who was holding my hand in your sleep.” She looked down at my hand which she is still holding close to her chest. Immediately she let go of my hand and sat up on the bed. “Sorry.” She said in a soft voice however I heard it.

I stood up from the floor. Damn, my leg is hurting right now. I looked down at her, smiling. “You don't have to feel embarrassed.” She remained quiet. It will be so hard to pacify her. ”You must be hungry. Come downstairs to eat after you freshen up.” With that saying I left from our room. She must be feeling awkward with me so it's better if I give her sometime to adjust to everything especially adjust with me since I'm suddenly changing my behaviour towards her.

I went to the kitchen to make some pasta for her cause that's her favourite. Maa also came at that time, looking at me. “Is she okay? I didn’t saw her coming out since she came back home.” I didn’t told maa anything knowing Alaida wouldn’t want her to know anything about today's incident.

“She is just tired. She will come now that's why I'm making pasta for her.” Maa smiled at me, “Okay then I will make tea for her. That will help her to get back her energy.” I smiled at maa before I got back on my work. This girl is so obsessed with tea. What's even special in that? Coffee gives more energy than tea.

I should stop thinking about that and instead focus on making the pasta. I'm making something for her for the first time so I should try to make it tasty so that she will be impressed with my cooking skill. Maa tells me that I cook better than her. Still, I'm nervous thinking whether Alaida will like it or not. Why am I nervous over this small issue? Jeez this girl is making me feel things I never felt before in my life.

After few minutes I was done with making the pasta. She also came downstairs and sat on her chair, now talking with maa. I served the pasta in three plates for all of us then I placed her and maa's plate in front of them. I also sat down. Alaida took the spoon, blowing on the pasta to cool it down.

I'm staring at her to see her reaction after she takes the first bite. Finally, she took her first bite. Judging by her expression I can tell that she loved it. She started to take more bites. Actually too fast that maa told her to slow down. “This is so good! Maa you are so good at cooking.” She told maa while smiling.

Maa looked at me then at her. “Ahren made it.” Her smile vanished. She looked at me more like judging me. She probably assumed in her mind that I don't know how to cook. “I'm coming with our tea. You fimish eating.” Maa got up and went to the kitchen again.

Alaida kept looking at me. Is she that shocked? Why is it so shocking? It's not a big deal that I have made this pasta. Well whatever, I just want her to say something to me. I want her to compliment me. Compliment from her mouth will sound so peaceful.

“A jerk like you knows how to cook?” my jaw dropped on the floor. What the hell? I thought she will compliment me. It's my fault to even expect that she will say something nice. “Such a brat.” I muttered under my breath. “What did you said?” She asked while glaring at me. Did she heard it? “Nothing.” I forced a smile. She also didn’t say anything as she started to eat again.

“Can I get more?” She asked me which brought a smile on my face. “You don't have to ask Alaida. Just order.” I took her plate and went to the kitchen to serve more pasta on her plate. “She really loved it.” Maa said who is making tea for her and Alaida. I nodded my head. I'm so happy that she loved my pasta. At least I have a hope now that I can impress her with my cooking.

I came back to the dining room and placed her plate in front of her. Maa also came back with their tea. “Sweetheart eat slowly. No one is snatching your food.” Maa told her. I just kept observing them without saying anything. “Here is your tea.” After finishing the pasta she started having her tea engaging herself in a conversation with maa.

“What happened to your neck?” Maa's question made me look at her. Alaida also froze. Shit- what should I say? She will become nervous so she won't be able to come up with any excuse. “Allergic reaction.” I blurted out. Maa looked at me suspiciously, she isn’t believing me. “Yeah! I had scrubbed there harshly due to itching so that's why it became like.” This time Alaida said. Thankfully maa didn’t said anything else.

Both maa and Alaida went back to their room leaving me alone to wash the plates and cups. Not that I minded. I washed everything then went back to our room. Alaida is using her phone but suddenly she threw it away and screamed. “What happened?” I asked her as I started approaching her. It's good that my room is soundproof otherwise maa would've heard her screams.

She got up from the bed looking at me. Her eyes sparkling with joy. Seems like she is happy about something. Too happy that she even threw away her phone. I bent down on the floor to pick up her phone. ”You know what? EXO is having a concert here, in London!” She said more like yelling. So she is excited for that kpop boy band.

“I want to go!” She again said excitedly. “You can go. But for now calm down.” I handed her phone to her. “I have to tell Aaran bhaiya to get me the tickets. Otherwise they all be sold out.” Why will she tell Aaran to do that? I can do it for her.

I snatched away her phone from her. “I can buy the tickets for you.” She kept looking at me for a while without saying anything. “No. Bhaiya said it he will buy me the tickets as my gift.” She tried to take back her phone but I held it higher so that she can't reach it. “What's wrong with you?” I looked at her who is glaring at me as if she will kill me.

“I will buy and that's final. I will go with you to their concert. I can't take the risk by sending you alone.” She sat on the bed, crossing her arms over her chest. She is looking cute right now. “The tickets are expensive.” I chuckled, “I'm rich enough to buy you anything expensive.” Once again she glared at me. I guess that's because she can't say anything else to me.

Once again I handed back her phone. “I'm giving you my bank account details. Buy two tickets for us.” Her eyes widened in shock, why is she shocked? “Why would you give me your bank details? What if I steal all of your money and run away?” I chuckled at her. She is too cute that I feel like kissing her. “My wife can run away with my money. I won't mind.” I can tell that she got another shock after what I said. I have already sent her all the details while she is still in shock.

I should leave before I end up kissing her which she wouldn’t like. “You better hurry up otherwise you will miss their concert.” I told her then left from the room. My thoughts are getting wild thus I need a cold shower. Thankfully I have a bathroom in my office where I can take a shower. I quickly went to my office then took a long shower.

After I came out I saw her in my office sitting down on the couch. “What brings you here?” I asked her while I'm drying my hair with the towel. If I had came outside only in a towel then things would've been awkward between us now. “I have booked the tickets!” She said excitedly, her voice getting loud. I don't mind her voice being loud as long as she is happy. “The concert is after four days. We will go early okay?” I nodded my head. “By the way-” I looked at her motioning her to speak furthermore.

“Why did you took a shower at 8 pm?” Holy shit- I didn’t expect her to ask this question. But I'm not going to lie to her or make up any other excuse. “Because of you.” She kept staring at me dumbfounded for a while then widened her eyes in shock. What bothered me is that she started stepping back. Her shock is now replaced with fear. Did I made a mistake by telling her the truth? I thought she will feel shy after I tell her the actual reason.

“You are like him.” She said, her lips trembling. It didn’t took me long to realize who she is talking about. I clenched my fists and immediately regretted it as she is looking more scared now after noticing me clenching my fists. “Why are you men always so needy?” Her voice is shaking meaning she is on the verge of crying. Wallahi (I swear) if I knew she would react like this then I wouldn't have told her the truth.

I took a deep breath as I took a step closer to her but not more than that so that I wouldn't scare her more. “Yes, I'm needy. But you have to remember one thing that I will never touch you without your permission.” She remained quiet. Now I'm starting to panic. I don't want her to be scared of me after we were slowly starting to get on good terms with each other.

“Alaida.” I called out her name softly. “I promise I won't touch you. I didn’t had any intention of doing that. That's why I took a cold shower instead of jumping on you.” My words are working on her. She is slowly calming down. “You w-wouldn’t touch me right? Please I b-beg you, d-don't do that. You can y-yell at me. B-but don't t-touch me.” It breaks my heart to see her like this. I can't even hug her to comfort her cause that would scare her too.

What am I supposed to do in this situation? My fiore is scared, shaking due to fear, begging me like this. I can't do anything else besides just saying some words to her. “You don't have to beg me. I know I'm the worst person you have ever met however I won't stoop that low to touch you without your permission.”

She is not shaking anymore, that's good. “Go take rest or watch your dramas. There is still time left for dinner.” She opened the door to go out when I called her again. She turned her head to look at me. “Call me if you want to talk. I will always be there for you.” I smiled at her so that she can understand I genuinely care for her.

She nodded her head then left. I sat down on my chair, sighing. I feel bad! From next time I will be careful enough so that I don't hurt her or scare her away in any way. She is too precious to get hurt. I won't hurt her neither I will let anyone hurt her as long as I'm with her. My fiore deserves to be treated with care, she deserves to be loved in the most beautiful way ever. I will do anything in my power to make her happy.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩