Chapter 7

A/N: There will be mention of suicide in this chapter❗I'm sorry if it trigger anyone


He started coming closer to me as I was stepping back. Why am I stepping back? I shouldn’t be afraid of him. There are CCTV cameras everywhere so he can't do anything to me. ‘He can easily erase that.’ My subconscious mind reminded me. Once again fear engulfed me. Still I stopped stepping back and looked at him fearlessly.

He too stopped coming closer to me, staring at me intensely making it hard for me to maintain the eye contact with him. I can't look away otherwise he will kmow that I'm afraid of him. “Getting brave huh?” He asked more like mocking me. “Aaran bhaiya will kill you this time.” I managed to say without stuttering.

“Aww really? He can do that?” He took a step closer to me. At that my heart started to beat fast. “He is still helpless like he was in the past.” He is wrong! Bhaiya is not helpless. He is wrong if he thinks bhaiya will be helpless now like how he was in the past. He wouldn’t think twice to shoot this jerk in front of me.

Now he is standing too close to me. He tried to touch my chin when I stepped back immediately. “Don't t-touch me. I will kill you.” I held the hem of my dress tightly still looking at him. Did the teachers also left? Why is no one here? “I made everyone leave. How can I lose this opportunity when finally you came outside that too alone without any bodyguards.” He said while smirking at me.

My eyes widened in shock at the realization that he have been following me. It's true before I got married, baba and bhaiya never gave me permission to go outside without any bodyguard. “But too bad that you are married.” His voice brought me back to reality from my thoughts. “Never thought any guy will marry you after what happened.” As soon as he said that he started laughing.

His laugh is paining me. Cause he is laughing at my misery. He finds my sufferings funny? How inhuman can he be? I glared at him, “There are some good guys unlike you who is a bastard.” I said through gritted teeth. He stopped laughing now. “Why did you stopped laughing? Oh sorry! Did I hurt you by telling you the truth?” This time I mocked him.

He kept quiet for some time. But then suddenly he grabbed my arm and slammed me against one of the locker. Ya Allah I'm so stupid. I shouldn’t have provoked him when I'm all alone here with him. I know that no one will come to help me yet I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

He pinned my hands above my head as he looked down at me. Anger evident in his face. “You made me a bastard, Alaida Ibrahim!” He yelled loudly causing me to flinch. “I did-mmmppp” I couldn’t finish my sentence cause he started kissing me. Tears started streaming down my face. I can't go through that pain again, never. I will die this time if I have to go through it again.

Why does all bad things keep happening to me? What did I ever do to anyone? I don't hurt anyone yet I get hurt the most. Why Allah never helps me? Allah doesn’t help me neither he sends anyone to help me. I'm always left alone in a helpless situation where I can't do anything, where I can't seek help from anyone, where I get hurt the most, where my whole world turn upside down.

“Why did you stopped saying the truth now?” He asked me after he pulled away from the kiss. “Don't struggle otherwise you will feel more pain.” He said after I started struggling. “Let me go-” Instead of listening to me he started kissing my neck and biting harshly making me winch in pain.

He is busy in biting me so I decided to use this chance to kick him. I was almost about to kick him in his crotch but he put his leg in between so I couldn’t kick him anymore. “No matter how busy I am, I always know what you are upto.” He whispered near my ear.

He is not stopping from doing his work and I'm not stopping from crying. I know suicide is haram in Islam. But I don't care. I will commit suicide this time. I would go to hell rather than suffering everyday blaming myself that why I couldn’t do anything to save myself. “You are still tempting.” His statement is making me feel more disgusted.

“And you are still tempting to be murdered.” Ahren's voice boomed in the empty corridor. At his voice Fahir stepped back from me. “Ah your husband came sooner than I expected.” He stepped back only a little but he is still holding my hands tightly. “Let go of her hands before I blow up your hands.” Instead of letting go of my hands he smirked at Ahren. “You won't do that. Do you know why?” He paused for a while before he opened his mouth again. “That way you will also blow up her hands since I'm holding her hands.”

He is such a bastard! That's why he didn’t let go of my hands. He will use me as a shield to protect himself. My thoughts came to a stop after I heard the gunshot and Fahir's screaming. He let go of my hands as he stumbled back. Ahren had shot him in his leg. “But I can definitely aim to blow up your legs in a way where she won't get hurt.” I looked at Ahren now, he looks emotionless. No emotions evident on his face. Usually he glares at me or looks at me angrily which I can tell by how he makes faces in front of me. I can't figure out if he is angry or not. Or what he is even feeling at this moment.

I flinched again as Fahir held my leg. This bastard got shot still he is thinking about touching me. “Don't touch her again.” Ahred said through gritted teeth as he shot Fahir again on his arm. I took that chance to run towards Ahren. I don't care about anything. I just need to get away from Fahir that's what matters to me now.

I hugged Ahren tightly who's body stiffened after I hugged him. But soon he composed himself. I started crying. I said I will ignore him but now I'm seeking comfort from him only cause he is the only who can comfort me at this moment. He is the only who can protect me. For once Allah have sent someone to help me in a difficult situation and I'm not stupid to let go of that person.

“I'm letting you go because I need to take care of her now. Next time you won't survive if you come near her again.” Ahren took me away to outside to his car. Once we sat inside his car he gave me a bottle of water. I didn’t took it. I can't stop crying! I'm still thinking what if Ahren didn’t came today? What if I got ra-rap- “Alaida don't even think about that. No one can hurt you as long as I'm with you.” Ahren said sternly as he cupped my face, looking at me gently.

For the first time I'm seeing love in his eyes. For the first time I'm seeing him so worried. He looks like he will almost start to cry. “I'm sorry jaan. I came too late.” He hugged me, caressing my back to calm me down. “I'm sorry.” He kept repeating that for next few minutes until I stopped him.

I calmed down a little bit. He wiped my tears and gave me some tissues for my running nose due to crying. “Do you want me to take you to your home?” I shook my head negatively. “I don't want them to see me in this condition.” He nodded his head in understanding then started to drive.

Thankfully his maa was outside when we reached home. I also didn’t wanted her to see me like this in a messed up condition. I went to the bathroom to change my clothes. As I looked at myself in the mirror I noticed my neck is full of hickeys given by Fahir. Once again I started crying.

I got under the shower, scrubbing my neck harshly to get rid of the scars given by that monster. I'm not even caring about the burning sensation due to the harsh scrubbing I'm doing. I stopped only after I got too tired. I came out of the shower and wore my clothes then came out of the bathroom sitting down on the bed.

I looked up as Ahren took the towel from my hands. “You will catch a cold if you don't dry your hair.” He started to dry my hair with the towel but stopped for a while probably because he noticed both the hickeys and red scratches from my scrubbing. He again started doing his work, drying off my hair completely then he placed the towel on the couch.

“Why did you do that on your neck? It must have hurt a lot.” I kept quiet not answering him. “Alaida-” He called my name but this time gently not like how he usually call my name angrily when I don't respond him. I looked up at him with my teary eyes. “It did hurt but it hurt more when he gave me those hickeys.”

He bent down on the floor to get on my level as he held my hands. This reminded me of the day after our we got married. That day he threatened me after being gentle for a while and today I don't know what is waiting for me. Will he scold me after being gentle? He told me to stay away from guys but I have just let a guy touch me. He would get angry right? So I should prepare myself for his wrath.

“With time these scars will fade away.” He said while looking at me with love and affection in his eyes. “These scars will definitely fade away but the pain carved in my heart will never fade away with time.” He became quiet for few minutes after what I said. “I will make your pain fade away along with those scars.” I was taken aback by what he said. “I will do everything to make you forget about that pain.” He smiled. Ahren smiled at me! That too a genuine a smile.

“They carved pain your heart but I will carve happines in the most beautiful way.” How can someone be so good with words? His words are doing something to me. I shouldn’t feel safe with him right? Cause he have also hurt me even if it wasn’t by sexually harassing me. “I know what I did wasn’t good. I apologize for that. I will keep apologizing till you forgive me.” No no I shouldn’t forgive him that easily.

He stood up from the floor, patting my head lovingly. “You can take time to think about everything. Cause I know you went through a lot today. Get some rest. Sleep if you want to. I will wake you up when it's time for dinner.” He stepped back from me. “I will be in my office in the third floor. Just send me a text if you need something. Don't overthink, okay?” Unknowingly I nodded my head which made him smile at me again.

He left from our room. I laid down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling thinking about everything. What just happened? I was in college then Fahir came out of nowhere. After that Ahren behaved so nicely with me. It feels like it's not Ahren. Is it his twin brother? Or did he hurt his head somewhere and lost his memories? Maybe that's why he is being so nice to me.

Forget about all these. His smile! I can't forget that. He looks so damn good when he smiles genuinely. I think I'm falling in love with his smile. Wait, what am I saying? I can't fall for him. Why am I forgetting that he threatened me to marry him? After that he also did other things which have hurt me a lot. I won't forgive him easily. Let me behave rudely with him to see if he will change his behaviour or not.

Lastly I can't deny the fact that he made me forget about what Fahir did for a while. Even now I'm only thinking about his words not about Fahir. For the first time I'm smiling even after such a bad thing happened with me. After total four days since I got married to Ahren, today I slept with a smile on my face.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩