Chapter 5


I couldn’t sleep the whole night. My wrists were paining too and I didn’t found any first aid kit in the room. I was afraid of him that I didn’t even dare to go outside this room. But outside the room I heard him and his maa talking. He had lied to his maa that I fell asleep so she shouldn’t disturb me. He is such a jerk.

I already cried too much that my eyes hurts now. They also became red and puffy. I was struggling with the this big lehenga but thankfully I found my luggage in his closet. His closet is so big. Another side was completely empty. I don't want to get my hopes high but I think that was empty for me?

Whatever I don't care. I took my clothes from my luggage and changed. I layed down on the bed but kept staring up at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts. How did my life turn out to be like this?

One minute I clicked my pictures then went to eat happily and next minute I saw my husband killing someone. I also saw his bad side and realized that I got the worst husband ever. I will never forget how he treated me. I was already scared after seeing the death body then he scared me more by his behaviour.

I was feeling bad for that waiter. It's obviously wrong if he was staring at me but he didn’t do anything to me! So he didn’t deserve to die. It seemed like Ahren had stabbed him multiple times. I'm just guessing it from what I saw. I kept thinking about all of these things until it was 7 am in the morning when sleep took over me.

I woke up cause someone is repeatedly calling my name. I opened my eyes and started rubbing them still half asleep. “Are you done sleeping?” My eyes jerked open as I looked in front of me. Ahren stood in front of me, looking down at me.

My orna is not with me! It's on the floor. I probably threw it when I was asleep. I quickly grabbed my orna but before I could wear it he snatched it away from me. “Don't wear it.” Tears welled up in my eyes. Now I can't even wear my orna without his permission? Why he have to be a jerk early in the morning?

“Shit- Alaida I dropped water on your orna mistakenly. See it's wet.” I looked at my orna. It's actually wet. How come I didn’t realize it when I touched it? “You will catch a cold that's why I told you not to wear it. Now don't cry, please.” But his sentence made me start crying badly. I hate being so sensitive.

He is treating me miserably and now he expect me not to cry? I will cry! What can he do to me? Kill me like that waiter? “What did I do now?” Sob kore ekhon jiggesh korteche se ki korche.
Translation: After doing everything now he is asking me what he did.

I glared at him while still crying. It looks like he is panicking. But do I care? I don't. “You are a jerk!” I said while sobbing. “You have hurt me. You left me alone. I was so scared of being alone here in a new room. I didn’t found the first aid kit to treat the wounds on my wrists which you caused.” With each sentence I'm saying I'm sobbing harder. “You didn’t console me. You acted like a jerk towards me. You lied to my bhaiya. You also lied to your maa. You didn’t let me meet my parents. I hate you so much.”

He is quiet. He just kept staring at me the whole time I was speaking. He leaned in closer to me, wiping away my tears. Then he backed away and went away from the room. Sudden he sat on the floor in front of me. He held my wrists and fear engulfed me. Is he going to hurt me again? I don't want to go through that pain again. “Relax! I won't hurt you.”

He is staring at my wrists and I'm staring at him. Are we doing a staring competition? This silence is killing me. I'm even afraid of taking back my hands from his hold. What if he gets angry again? “I'm sorry.” I looked at him confused. Is he saying it in a sarcasm way?

Now he looked up at me. His face is telling me that he is feeling guilty. Feeling guilty about what? “I shouldn’t have hurt you. At least I should have stay with you and tend to your wounds but I left.” Oh so he is feeling guilty about this maybe? “I was really pissed off. Alaida, I can't bear it if another guy even looks at you.” I'm looking back at him but without saying anything.

“And due to being pissed off I vented out my anger on you. I became more pissed off after seeing you in the storeroom. You weren’t supposed to be there. You weren’t supposed to see all that.” I know but that doesn’t give him the reason to hurt me. “I'm sorry.”

He can keep apologizing. I don't care. But I want to know something. “Are you really sorry for what you did?” He kept staring at me blankly for a while. “I genuinely feel sorry for hurting you but about killing that waiter then I don't. I don't even feel guilty.” His words pissed me off again. How can a person be so heartless?

I pushed him away harshly as I stood up from the bed looking at him angrily. “Are you even a human? How can you not feel guilty after killing that innocent guy? He only stared at me! He didn’t hurt me neither he approached me. You are indeed a monster. A heartless guy just like how the world says about you.” I yelled at him. I don't know from where I got the courage.

“Do not talk to me in that tone, never. I repeat never.” He said each word through gritted teeth. I hate to admit it but I'm scared again. I have to be strong. I can't let him scare me all the time.

“Get ready. Aaran and Safia aunty will come.” A hope is now born in my heart once again. I will tell Aaran bhaiya about hi- “Don't even think.” I looked at him shocked. How come he always knows what I'm thinking. “You think of yourself as a victim right?” Aren’t I a victim in this situation? But what is he trying to say?

He took a step closer towards me but this time I didn’t back away. I'm not showing him that I'm scared of him. “A victim always try every way to escape. That's how I know what you are thinking always.” He smiled at me but the smile sent shivers down my spine. It's scary!

I held the hem of my t-shirt tightly. I won't cry. No I won't. Today I will tell bhaiya everything no matter what happens. “Go ahead and then see how your entire family die. Maybe in a car accident or maybe in a bomb blast?” He is smirking at me while I'm suffering and dying from inside.

“You wanna know something?” I looked at him confused. “Your entire family will die except you. You will still forever be stuck with me.” My heart is beating so fast but because I'm so scared. He wouldn’t do that right? “Choice is yours, fiore. If you want to stay with me willingly so that your family can live a peaceful life or you want to stay with me while your family is dead. Which one you will choose?” He knows what I will choose still he is asking me. It's like he is making fun of my situation. He is having fun in seeing me suffering like this.

The worst part is that I have no choice but to give him the satisfaction of succeeding in his mission, a mission where he probably took a oath to destroy me completely. “I will do whatever you say.” My voice cracked, I'm biting my lips to prevent myself from crying in front of him once again. I already look pathetic by accepting his demands. I don't want to look more pathetic by crying.

He started patting my head. “Good girl.” I want to slap him so badly but like everytime fear took over me completely. “Tell your family that you are okay. If they ask you what happened then tell them that guy tried to hurt you while you were looking for me. I will take care of the rest.”

He backed away from me when we heard a knock on the door. “Ahren?” His maa is outside. He went to open the door so I quickly took my orna and wore it even though it was drenched in water earlier. His maa came inside, towards me.

“Assalamu Alaikum aunty.” I greeted her, smiling. I hope my smile looks genuine to her. “Walaikum Assalam. Seriously aunty? Call me maa.” She said sternly so I nodded my head. It still feels surreal that she is my mother-in-law. I have to call her maa from now on. “Did you cried?” I was taken aback by her sudden question.

But then again it's obvious. My eyes are definitely red and puffy judging by how much I cried yesterday. “Umm yes. I got afraid. I always end up crying even with small issues.” Wow I came up with a good excuse.

I'm sure his maa must be thinking that she got a daughter-in-law who is such a crybaby. Ugh I hate thing about me so much. Even now I'm getting angry while thinking about it. “Did you got hurt anywhere?” She asked worriedly. Aww she is nice unlike her son who is a jerk. “She didn’t got hurt. She is fine. Don't worry.” This time he answered.

I looked at myself from the mirror. I look like a zombie. Suddenly I'm feeling so embarrassed. “I'm sorry aunty. It's my first day here and I look like a mess.” She started laughing so I looked at her confused.

She brought her hand up to my face, caressing my face gently. “You remind me of myself to be honest. I was like you too. And don't worry sweetheart. You don't have to look good.This is your house from now on so you can look messy. I don't care about these things.” I sighed in relief. This time a real smile appeared on my face. She is not that bad. Maybe she was just taking time to open up to me.

Her eyes then went towards my orna and she frowned after she touched it. “It's wet. Why you wore it? You will catch a cold, sweetheart. Take it off.” I started fidgeting with my fingers nervously. “Bu-but you are here. H-he is here t-too.” I saw in dramas that the mother-in-law doesn’t like it if their daughter-in-law is not wearing any orna or appropriate clothes in front of her son or her.

She chuckled looking at me, “Alaida stop being so nervous around me. I'm not your teacher that I will scold you if you do something wrong.” I smiled at her nervously. Not my teacher but you are my mother-in-law. “Consider me as your own mother. Ahren is your husband now. Yeah I understand it might take some time for you to open up to us but try to be freely around us. You don't have to think about what we will think. You don't have to do anything to impress me or Ahren. Just be yourself.” Tears of happiness formed in my eyes. She is such a nice person! After talking to her I feel like my life won't be that bad here. At least she will treat me nicely even if Ahren treats me badly.

She wiped my tears, I didn’t even realized that I started crying. “Why are you crying? Did I said something offensive?” I hugged her immediately. “No aunty. It's just that you are so nice that's why I started crying.” She started patting my back. “I told you to call me maa.” This time I chuckled. She said this so sternly when she said the other things gently. “Okay maa.”

I pulled away from the hug. “Freshen up and come downstairs. We all will have breakfast together.” I nodded my head. “And you.” Maa said turning towards Ahren. “Why didn’t you stop her from wearing that orna? You could've give her another orna from her luggage.” It feels good to see him getting scolded by his maa. “She still didn’t unpack. So help her in unpacking after breakfast.” Ahren nodded his head like a obedient kid. Look at him changing his whole personality in front of his maa.

”Come quickly otherwise the food will get cold.” With that saying she left from the room. I went to the closet to take out a nice dress. Even if she told me to be freely around them I still know some morals about what to do on the first day at your husband's house. I saw my both vabi doing that. Even someone like Aaidah vabi. I already miss them so much. But I'm afraid that Ahren might not let me see them frequently like how my family or my brothers gave my both vabi the freedom to go meet with their family anytime. I always dreamed of getting a husband like Asael bhaiya but look who I got? A jerk!

I turned around to look at him, glaring at his back. He is sitting on the bed working on his laptop. “Your glare will burn my back.” He said making me jump in my place out of fear. What the.. How did he know that I was glaring at him?

“I can sense it even if someone is looking at me from a distance.” I glared more. “Alaida.” He said in a warning tone. That was enough for me to run away to the bathroom.

I took a long relaxing shower. After that I came out drying my hair. I'm just wearing the dress, the orna is still my luggage. I will wear it when I will go downstairs. I sat on the couch drying my hair still when he came from the closet. “What took you so long?” I ignored him and his question. He only deserve my ignorance.

He sat beside me and snatched the towel from my hands. I glared at him. “I will dry your hair.” I snatched away the towel from his hands. “I can do it myself.” I said through gritted teeth. “Did you saw the bruises on your wrists? It will hurt more if you move your hands too much.” Did he forgot that he gave me these bruises? “The bruises are nothing compared to the pain you gave me on my heart.”

He became quiet after what I said. I also stood up from the couch going towards the closet where my luggage is. I became shocked to see he already unpacked my clothes and kept them on the side which was empty.  I shook away that thought and wore my orna of the dress I wore.

Then I went downstairs without saying anything to him. I'm hungry so I can't wait to eat. As I'm going downstairs I looked around his house. It's so pretty but the colours are all black. Doesn’t his maa tell him to change the colour? Asian mom hates it when the colour of the house is black completely. My maa scolded both my brothers for making their room turn into a black room.

Even the staircase is so pretty! At least his maa is good to me and his house is also pretty except the fact that it's completely black everywhere. I reached the living room then went to the kitchen to see his maa working. “Aun-maa” I called her to get her attention. She turned around to look at me. “Oh you came. Sit. I was just serving the food.” Won't it look bad if I sit down to eat without helping her out?

“Let me help you.” I said then started to help her in serving the food on the table. After a while Ahren came too then we three started to eat in silence. I liked this silence. Because when I'm eating I like to focus on my food especially when I'm hungry. “Where are you going maa?” Ahren asked so I also looked up. “To make tea. Will you have tea?” She asked me and I nodded my head immediately. “Let me he-” “Sit quietly. Finish your breakfast first.” I couldn’t argue back since she said it so sternly.

I was munching on my sandwich when I felt an intense gaze so I looked up to find him staring at me. He is sitting beside me. Out of nowhere his fingers touched my lips, making my eyes widen in shock. “There is sauce in the corner of your lips.” He cleaned my lips with his finger. I looked away from him, looking down at my lap. My cheeks heated up.

“Eat Alaida.” His voice is stern as if he is talking to a kid. But I'm still thinking about what he did. He could've told me that or use a tissue instead of his finger! “Alaida.” I looked up at him again. “Eat before it gets cold.” I didn’t said anything to him, instead I started eating my sandwich.

I finished my sandwich when his maa came with three cup of tea. Not three cup of tea cause one is a cup of coffee. “Who will have coffee early in the morning?” I asked being curious. “Your dear husband.” His maa answered so I looked at him.

“Alaida, why are you looking at me as if you are disgusted?”

“Yeah cause eww who have coffee instead of tea in the morning?”

“I do. Is there any problem?”

“I can already tell that your choice is bad.”

“Is having tea in the morning that important?”

“Of course! Tea give us the energy we need. How can you not have tea?”

“I hate tea.” I gasped. “You hate tea?! You are not even a human. You are an alien.” He is glaring at me so I shut my mouth. “Don't scare my daughter like that.” His maa smacked him on the head. Finally someone else is getting smacked on the head instead of me. Usually at my home it's me who get a smack on head during breakfast time.

I'm controlling myself from ending up laughing. “Have your tea before it gets cold.” His maa said. I should stop saying his maa. I'm accepting her as my mom gradually. I nodded my head then I took a sip from the tea. Wow! It taste so good. “MashaAllah. Maa it taste so good!” Maa smiled at me. “I'm glad that you love it.” I also smiled at her. I will definitely tell her to make tea for me again and again. Cause that's how good it is! One cup is enough for me to know she is the best at making tea. Besides my maa's tea now I think her tea is going to become my second favourite.

I took all the plates and cups in the kitchen. Maa forbade me to do any work but I insisted to help her. She have been doing everything since morning. There aren’t even any maids to help her. What's the point of earning so much money when he can't even hire one maid to help his maa? He is a jerk and I will never stop saying this!

I came to the living room after finishing my work in the kitchen when the bell rang. Ahren went to open the door. My parents and Aaran bhaiya came. Immediately I ran towards maa like a kid. “Careful. You will get hurt.” Maa scolded me. Today I didn't mind that she scolded me. I hugged her tightly. Suddenly maa started crying making me start to panic.

I pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears and asking her what happened. “Do you know how worried I was! I couldn’t even see you for one last time on your special day. You stupid girl, why did you had to wander off around alone? You could've stay with us or go with your brothers.” This is why she is crying. I thought something else happened. “I didn’t knew that something bad will happen.” I said in a soft voice.

I feel so bad for my maa. My maa was worried sick and Ahren lied to them. “Please don't cry. I promise I won't go anywhere alone from next time.” She hugged me one last before letting me go. After that baba hugged me too but as usual he remained calm.

They sat on the couch and started to talk with Ahren's maa. I sat beside Aaran bhaiya who is continuously staring at me. “Do you need something?” I finally asked not being able to endure his staring. “Are you okay? Don't you dare lie to me.” I knew he will ask this question but today he sounds angry. I wonder what happened? “I'm okay Alhamdulillah.” Not a lie. Yes I wasn’t okay yesterday and even today in the morning. But his maa fixed my mood with her behaviour.

He held my wrists. “What's this then?” Shit. He noticed the bruises. No one had noticed it until now. Now everyone's attention is on us. “That guy held my wrists tightly that's how I got these bruises.” I blurted out a lie so smoothly.

Bhaiya kept staring at me for few minutes before he looked at Ahren. “And you didn’t treated her wounds?” His tone came off as if he is accusing Ahren. “Umm bhaiya I didn’t let him do that. You know I don't let anyone touch my wounds.” I used this as a excuse cause I barely let anyone treat my wounds. I don't let anyone touch them if I get hurt, afraid I will feel more hurt. Like a kid I show a tantrum.

Let's keep these all asides. Why am I defending Ahren? ‘The fear for him is making you defend him.’ My subconscious mind said. And my subconscious mind is damn right. Until now I didn’t realized just how scared I'm. He inflicted this fear inside me that unknowingly I'm starting to take his side. Cause even my subconscious mind is aware of the consequences for not obeying him.

Bhaiya sighed. “Get the first aid kit. I will treat her wounds.” And now bhaiya's sentence is making me scared. I pulled back my hand from his hold harshly. “No! You won't touch my wrists.” I shrieked in fear. If he will treat my wounds that means he will touch my wrists, touch the bruises and put ointment then it will hurt like hell. No I'm letting him do that.
(A/N: Many might find this behaviour of her childish and immature but this is inspired by my personality. I'm totally like her in a situation like this if I get hurt so please don't judge🗿)

Bhaiya is glaring at me. “Ahren bring it.” I held Ahren's hand. “You won't go anywhere.” I said while glaring at bhaiya. “He is my best friend so he will listen to me.” He said through gritted teeth. “He is my husband so from now on he will listen to me.” I said while shooting draggers at his way with my eyes.

“Here take it.” I looked the other way to see his maa brought the first aid kit. I looked at her. “Maa you betrayed me!” I heard bhaiya scoffing. “At least aunty is not listening to your tantrum unlike your husband who is letting you hold him instead of going to bring the first aid kit.” Everyone started laughing after what he said.

“Your sister is holding me tightly like a koala so how am I supposed to go?” Ahren said earning a glare from me. How dare he compare me to a koala? “Ahh!” I screamed when bhaiya took a hold of my wrist. “Stop screaming. I didn’t even do anything yet.” I tried taking back my hand but he held it tightly this time. “Alaida, your wrists is badly bruised. We need to treat it before it gets worse. Ahren hold her tightly.” I glared at Ahren thinking he will take my side but no this jerk turned his back on me.

“Is he vampire or what? He held your wrists so tightly to the point it's bruised badly.” Bhaiya said angrily. That vampire is none other than your best friend. But yeah is he a vampire? His grip was so tight. “Glad that bastard is dead already. Otherwise I would've give him a painful death.” Bhaiya murmured but I heard it. Imagine if bhaiya knows Ahren did it. Then world war 3 will happen. Just by thinking about that gives me goosebumps.

“Done.” I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realized bhaiya already treated my wounds. “Don't get in contact with water till it heals properly. Okay?” I didn’t answered him instead I'm glaring at him. “What? It didn’t even hurt. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even scream. What were you thinking?” If I tell you what was I thinking then Ahren will die.

I didn’t answered him. I looked at Ahren who is still holding me. “Leave me.” I said grumpily. He immediately let go of me. “Sorry for how Aaran behaved.” Maa apologized to Ahren's maa. “He did what's right for his sister so don't worry about it. I feel bad for noticing the bruises on her hands.” Glad that she didn’t notice it.

I looked at bhaiya thinking I'm so lucky to have a brother like him in my life. He didn’t care about what my in-laws will think. He only cared about me. I hugged him. He seemed surprised by my sudden act. “After glaring at me now you are hugging me? Just tell me directly if you need something.” I hit him on his arm after pulling away from the hug. “You are bad. I shouldn’t have hug you.”

He smirked, “Well then don't. Cause I don't want a koala to hug me.” I groaned in annoyance meanwhile Ahren started laughing. “What's so funny?” I asked while glaring at him. “U-uh nothing.” He stopped laughing. “Already scared of my sister?” Bhaiya is teasing him. “He should be. Otherwise I will throw my shoes at him.” His maa said this time making everyone laugh except me.

“I can stay in peace after knowing that someone is here to support my sister.” Bhaiya smiled at his maa. He rarely smiles so you can tell this is a genuine smile. “I told you that you are like my son. So if you are my son then your sister is also like my daughter.”

After few minutes my family decided to leave. “Asael said sorry for not being able to come. He had to go to the hospital with Zaria.” Maa said and I frowned. “She wasn’t feeling good. Don't worry she will be fine.” I hope so. “Call me if something happens okay?” I told my maa who nodded her head. “Tell me if he is nlt treating you nicely.” Bhaiya said then kissed me on my forehead. I only nodded my head at what he said.

After they left I went uptairs to Ahren's room. My phone! Where is it? “Here.” He held my phone in front of me. I took it from him. “I will bring your laptop tomorrow when I will go to work.” I didn’t respond him back.

I started checking my messages. Zaria bhabi and Aaidah bhabi messaged me asking me if I'm okay or not. I replied to them then turned off my phone. “Alaida.” I looked at him. “After two days you will start going to college. I will drop you and pick you up. And-” He is coming closer to me so I started stepping back until my back hit the wall.

“And what?” I asked looking up at him maintaining the eye contact. “Don't let any guy come closer to you. If someone ask about your relationship status then tell them that you are married.” I clenched my fists. That's my choice if I want to inform others that whether I'm single or married.

He can't always make me convince for everything by scaring me. “Why will I listen to you?” Yes, stay brave like that. Don't let him effect you. “Because if you don't then more guys will die like that waiter.” There vanishes my bravery. I hate him for treating me like this, for threatening me, for scaring me.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩