Chapter 4


I know I had overreacted when maa told me to change and not behave like a kid because I will get married tomorrow but I felt hurt. Why does she wants me to change so suddenly because of the Nikah? I was already frustrated because of how Ahren maa treated me in the shopping mall. I mean she didn't behaved badly but she didn't even talk to me properly. About choosing dress she told me to choose anything. She talked to my maa nicely but with me she behaved different.

She just sometimes stared at me then looked away immediately whenever I looked back at her. Ugh this is so frustrating! Does she hate me? I'm not even dying to marry her son so why she will hate me? She should say something to her son instead. I was already frustrated with this then my maa said that thing about changing myself. It seems like his maa hate me because of this reason maybe that I still behave like a kid?

But I'm not the one who is wanting to marry! So why tell me to change? Why hate me? I'm a victim. I can't even tell anyone about Ahren bhaiya's threat. All these things are so frustrating thus I reacted that way but I cleared it out with maa after talking to my bhabis. I'm so grateful to have them in my life! Till now they have supported me a lot.

I decided not to be depressed anymore. I will enjoy my Nikah day to the fullest. I don't care who hates me or is going to judge me. I will not change myself for anyone. If people wants to stay with me then they will love me for who I am.

So yes next day in the morning I didn't skip my meals. I ate a lot actually. I also did some skincare for the event in the evening. Then I went to the parlor with Aaidah bhabi. MashaAllah I look so pretty! They did a great job with the makeup. After getting ready we left.

In the car Aaidah bhabi kept talking to me. I understood she did that to keep me busy and so that I would be happy. And she succeed! Cause I was indeed feeling happy and didn't even overthink about anything at that time.

Though my anxiety started kicking in after I got out from the car and was going inside. Azir was trying to come to me but today I can't spend time with him. I feel bad for not being able to spend time with that cutie.

"You can be with him later." Maa whispered. I nodded my head and looked ahead of me. There stood Ahren on the stage staring at me. I feel nervous under his gaze so I looked away from him.

As I was about to climb one of the stairs of the stage, I stumbled down. I got ready to hit the floor and embarrass myself. But that didn't happen. Cause Ahren held my hand with his one hand and with another he held my waist. I quickly pushed him away and composed myself. "Be careful sweetheart." His maa told me, her tone gentle. Am I dreaming? Did she really talked to me? That too gently? On the top of that she called me sweetheart!

"Alaida!" Maa's voice brought me back to reality. "Where are you lost?" I looked down feeling embarrassed and mumbled a sorry for the inconvenience. After all these I sat down on the sofa which is placed on the stage. In the middle a big sofa for the two of us then besides two small sofas for one person to sit.

The venue is decorated with roses everywhere. Even there are roses on one side of the big sofa which is placed in the middle for me and Ahren bhaiya. Okay now I feel weird to call him bhaiya when he will become my husband in a few minutes.

[This is how the venue looks like]

I looked beside me to look at him. He is wearing a blue sherwani which is giving royal vibes. The sherwani is fully adorned with hand crafted embellishments. It's also emblazoned with graceful designs and embroidery work. In short the sherwani is perfect but I guess it's looking more perfect after he wore it. It didn't look that good in the shop.

Ahren's Dress:

"Done staring at me?" His voice brought me back to reality. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Ya Allah even while sitting down he is taller than me that I have to look up. Okay snap away from your thoughts. I need to answer him otherwise he will be feeling proud thinking I was staring at him. "The roses look more ravishing than you so I was staring at them not you."

He only smiled at me. He didn't got annoyed? "You can sit on this side then if you like roses." I insulted him, didn't I? And here he is thinking about this for me. "Okay." I love roses! So I can't say no for the offer. He chuckled after I said yes. We stood up. I sat on the side he was sitting before.

I can feel him staring at me but I'm looking down at my lap. I'm feeling nervous under his intense gaze. "Oho dula bhai already started listening to our sister?" Sabin bhaiya teased. Obviously everyone noticed we changed our side on the sofa. I glared at my cousin who is sheepishly smiling at me. Ahvi appi said something to him in her sign language. I'm still learning sign language so I didn't understand what she said. I only know about sign language a little bit.
[Dula bhai means brother-in-law]

Suddenly Sabin bhaiya leaned in towards me to whisper in my ear. "Ahvi is saying that you won. He is handsome and seems like a good guy." I scoffed at what bhaiya said and what appi is thinking about him. Seems like a good guy. Obviously people will think that. He behaves like a green flag in front of people but only I know he is a red flag actually!

I looked at him in a judging way. He too looked at me, raising his eyebrows. "She is just making sure what I said is right." Now I looked at Sabin bhaiya pleading him with my eyes to keep quiet. I can't handle his teasing anymore. "Ahvi appi please take him away. He is ruining my big day." Appi smiled at me before tugging on bhaiya's panjabi probably signaling him not to tease me anymore.

"She said congratulations to you both." Sabin bhaiya said after appi finished using her sign language. "Thank you appi!" I smiled at her. Zaria bhabi and maa kept coming to me asking me if I'm okay or not. I know all of them are thinking that I'm unhappy so that's why they are worrying so much. Ahren who noticed this also asked me if I'm okay or not. The root of the problem is asking me if I'm okay or not. So I simply ignored him and kept looking around mostly at the flowers. Flowers are my favourite especially roses. I wonder who's plan it was to decorate the venue with red flowers? Maybe my brothers did it since they know about my likes and dislikes.

The photographer is clicking my pictures right now so they told Ahren to move away from the stage. I don't trust these photographs and I feel uncomfortable. I mean they are just doing their job but I feel like they are staring at me in a wrong way. My overthinking ass can never let me enjoy anything in peace.

But not today! I won't let my anxiety, nervousness, overthinking ruin my day. Yeah I'm not happy with this marriage but I look so pretty in this red dress lehenga so why will I miss taking pictures? After all I won't get married everyday or get to wear a pretty dress like this daily.

Alaida's Dress:

So I did what I think is right. I stood up from the sofa, getting down from the stage and going towards Ahren who is busy talking with my brothers including Sabin bhaiya. As soon as I stood in front of them all the four men stopped talking. Now their attention is on me. Ahren looked at the stage towards the photographer then again at me. "Click my pictures." I said looking straight at Ahren.

No one said anything. I can't bear this silence anymore. "I said click my pictures!" My tone is enough to tell them I'm getting irritated. "I don't feel comfortable with the photographer clicking my pictures but you will be my husband in a few minutes so you can do it for me." He wanted to be my husband right? To the point he even threatened me. Now see how I make you pay. If you are going to be my husband then you have to do everything what a husband do for his wife. And obviously I won't be such a good wife. I will annoy him so much that he will regret marrying me.

"Well what are you waiting for dula bhai? You should fulfil your wife's demands." Again Sabin bhaiya teased but this time I didn't mind it. I actually want him to tease Ahren more. "Yeah s-sure. Your phone or my phone?" He asked awkwardly. "My phone obviously. Let me bring it from maa." I was about to go but Asael bhaiya held my hand. "I will bring it for you. It must be hard for you to walk in this dress." With that saying he left.

Aaran bhaiya is staring at me, I'm sure he is is shocked. Even Asael bhaiya seemed shocked. I could tell that from their expression. Asael bhaiya came with maa and others. "Kazi Shaheb came now so first let's get you guys sign the Nikah papers then you can click pictures of yourself and with him too. That way any relatives wouldn't be able to say anything about you two being close." Asael bhaiya said and I could feel everyone looking at me. I'm sure they are shocked that I'm willing to take pictures when everyone thought I'm unhappy and wouldn't want to do anything.

"Okay bhaiya." Of course my fiancee is eager to marry me so he will first agree for signing the Nikah papers and saying Qubool. We headed towards the stage again. Allah I feel more nervous now. I have to say Qubool to accept him as my husband. And when I say that game is over. I won't be single anymore, instead I will be a married woman. These thoughts are making me want to say no. What if I say no? Should I let my intrusive thoughts win? Nah I can't do that. If I do that then my parents reputation will be tarnished.

I'm continuously scratching my hands due to nervousness but Aaidah and Zaria bhabi held my hands stopping me from doing that. Their eyes told me to calm down even though they didn't say anything as everyone is around us now.

The Kazi Shaheb started reciting duas and all the terms and conditions which are used for Nikah. Then there came the Qubool part. I was asked if I accept him as my husband or not. Zaria bhabi kept her hand on my shoulder to reassure me. That's when I said "Qubool" three times. When Ahren was asked if he accept me as his wife or not he immediately said "Qubool." It didn't take him even seconds to answer. Thus everyone is now teasing him telling him that he is eager to marry me.

"Now you two can sign the Nikah papers." I took the pen and signed. After that he signed too. And now we are officially husband and wife. Everyone in my family congratulated us. Then came his maa. Who congratulated me then kissed on my forehead too. I think she is not that bad. Maybe she is also taking time to accept everything. I shouldn't judge her too quickly.

"Now you are mine." He whispered near my ear in his husky voice sending shivers down my spine. Something felt different when he said this. I looked at him to only find him looking at me, smiling. "Congratulations my fiore for becoming my wife." Fiore- he called me this again. What does it mean? I have to Google it.

Whatever I need to take pictures! I almost forgot. I looked at him again. "My pictures!" I almost ended up yelling. He was taken aback my sudden statement. Did he thought I forgot about it? He doesn't want to click my pictures? Already annoyed huh? Wait and see how much I annoy you from now on.

I held his hand dragging him to the corner where the background is good and my pictures will come good. I can feel everyone looking at us. Do I care? No. We have signed the Nikah papers and said Qubool so now I can hold his hand. He can take my pictures too without thinking about what people will say. Though I highly doubt that he cares about people's opinion.

I let go of his hand and called Asael bhaiya to give me my phone. I handed him my phone. "You better take good pictures." I told him sternly. Then I stood and started giving different poses as he started clicking my pictures.

"Make a video too!" I started to twirl around so that he can make the video. After an hour I got done with my photo session. I took back my phone from him looking at the pictures. He can click good pictures. MashaAllah I'm looking so pretty in them. "MashaAllah MashaAllah." He said while staring at me. I looked down cause this made me blush. It's the first time someone gave me a compliment in a halal way. Thus this made me feel good from inside and blush so don't blame me for behaving like a teenage girl.

I turned off my phone. I'm hungry! When can we eat? "Won't you thank me for clicking your pictures?" I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. "Why would I thank you? You are my husband so it's your job to do this." His jaw dropped on the floor. I feel proud of myself. After all it's not so easy to deal with Alaida Ibrahim.

I walked away from him going towards my brothers. "I'm hungry!" I whined like a kid. "You ate before you came now you are hungry again?" Aaran bhaiya said in a disbelief tone. "You know na Aaran she is a monkey who only knows how to eat all day. Haha monkey." Sabin bhaiya started laughing.

"Shut up!" Both me and Aaran bhaiya said at the same time. Why Aaran bhaiya told Sabin bhaiya to shut up? He also calls me monkey all day. Then why is he getting irritated now? "Stop using the monkey word." So he have issues with the word 'monkey'? But why? What happened so suddenly that it made him hate this word.

Sabin bhaiya wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Do you know what happened? Why is he so irritated suddenly?" I shook my head as a no. "Idiot you don't know anything." I glared at him. "Let's make you eat something." He spoke nervously. Immediately a smile appeared on my face. "Wait!" Ahren's maa came towards us. "You should eat with Ahren. You two go and wait. I'm telling him to come. Allah knows where this guy disappear." I nodded my head at what she said then headed towards the table and sat down. Sabin bhaiya and Ahvi appi sat in another table. Now almost every guests ate and left so now it's only us, family members.

Maa, baba and his maa will sit in the same table as me and him. That's what Zaria bhabi told me. Where is he? His mom was right. Where did he disappeared? His maa came to us telling Aaran bhaiya that she can't find him anywhere. Is he upset because I didn't thank him?

Aaran bhaiya stood up going to search for him. Even Asael bhaiya and Sabin bhaiya went after him. "I'm so sorry on behalf of him." His maa apologized. "It's okay Anisa don't apologize." Maa reassured her who is looking guilty. I got to knew that his maa's name is Anisa. Pretty name. She is also pretty actually. No wonder Ahren is so handsome, got his maa's genes maybe. Oof I shouldn't be thinking about all these now.

I also got up and started to look around for him. I mean I would feel bad if he is upset because of me. He deserves to be thanked after what he did. I looked around everywhere then at last decided to check the empty room of the venue where gifts are kept.

[Disturbing scene ahead so read at your own risk❗]

I opened the door only to freeze after what I saw in front of me. Ahren's sherwani is covered in blood. A knife in his hand and a waiter lying down on the floor, lifeless. No girl wants to see their husband covered in blood that too on their wedding day in the wedding venue. I was also not ready for anything like this but I'm seeing my husband like this. And it's clear he killed the waiter. He murdered someone on our special day.

I took a step back to run to my brothers, my family and tell them about the heinous thing he have done. But before I could run away he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the room, locking the door. My panic attack is coming! I can't stay here. The lifeless body in front of me, the smell of blood, my husband in front of me everything is making me feel dizzy and feel sick to the stomach.

I started wriggling in his hold. The next moment he pushed me against the wall and pinned my head above my head. I started breathing heavily. Tears formed in my eyes too.

"Do you want to know why he died?" I shook my head. No no I don't want to know anything. I'm too terrified. I belong from a mafia family but my baba and brothers never let me see anything related violence and blood. They did their job secretly and kept me away from their dark world.

I'm struggling but he just tightened his grip making me hiss in pain. His one hand is pinning my both hands and with other hand he lifted my chin to make me look at him. There is blood on his face too. This made me start crying. "He died because he was staring at you." My eyes widened in shock. He killed that waiter for this reason?! "Everyone knows you are the bride so he should have thought twice befire staring at you." His grip on my hands tightened more. "He should have thought that you are already mine so he should have looked away from you." He said this through gritted teeth. "He shouldn't have stare at what's mine." With each statement he is saying, his grip is tightening. It feels like he will break my hands at this point.

I too started crying more. I'm scared. He-he is not a good guy. I should stay away from him. I-I will tell Aaran bhaiya a-about this. I won't s-stay with a murderer like him. His grip tightened more. "Don't even think about running away from me! Or I will kill everyone in your family."

Fear engulfed me completely when he leaned in closer to me. "Do you understand?" I remained like a statue. "Speak or nod your head!" This time his hold on my chin tightened. I quickly nodded my head. "We are leaving. You will agree for whatever I'm going to say to your brother. Okay?" Being afraid I nodded my head this time. I nodded my head when I don't even want to agree! Bu-but my family will get hurt. This made me start sobbing more. "You should have never come here and see this." This time his tone is gentle and calm but this is scaring me more. "I wanted to hide my this side from you but it seems like my fiore is dying to see my bad side." He said with a sadistic smile which scared the shit out of me.

[Disturbing scenes ends here]

He started to drag me outside. Aaran and Sabin bhaiya are outside too. Asael bhaiya maybe went inside. Once they noticed us they look beyond shocked. "Alaida why are you crying?" Aaran bhaiya immediately pulled me in for a hug. I started to cry more and more in his embrace.

"Someone tried to hurt her." Ahren said and I felt Aaran bhaiya's body stiffening. "Don't worry. I have already killed that bastard." He is lying to my brother! And my brother is believing him. "Good otherwise I would've kill him now." Aaran bhaiya said coldly.

I'm feeling disgusting. My tears won't even stop. Sabin bhaiya started caressing my back as I'm hiccuping now. "Calm down. No one can hurt you. You are safe now." Safe? Where? I'm not safe anywhere. I can't even tell my brothers that the person who is hurting me is standing with them and talking to them.

Aaran bhaiya pulled away from the hug, wiping my tears. "Stop crying, please. It hurts me to see you like this." But still I'm crying continuously and he is wiping my tears continuously. "Aaran please handle everything. I'm taking her home with me. Tell my maa that the driver will drop her at home."

I looked at bhaiya hoping he would say no but instead he agreed. "Go home and take rest." He made me sit in the car. What about seeing my family cause it's my bidhai?! "Baba and maa shouldn't see you in this condition." Bhaiya is right. They will be worried. Baba is a heart patient so it's not good for him to stress. "Take care of her." I heard bhaiya telling this to him. A monster like him can never take care of me. He can only give me threats and pain.

He got inside the car and started driving. No one said a word. Only my sob were heard. He didn't even try to console me or justify himself for what he did. Instead he behaved like a jerk.

I was never terrified of him like how I was today. I will never forget this day. I will never forget that he killed someone. This will always haunt me that my husband is a murderer and that he killed someone for me. This made me realize that he is so possessive. I never thought that he will kill a person because of his possessiveness.

"We reached." I flinched at his cold voice. His mansion is big but I have no time to admire it in this situation. He opened the door of my side. Before I could react he picked me up in his arms. On instinct I wrapped my arms around his neck so that I won't fall down on the ground. "I won't drop you." Yeah you can do that if you can hurt me.

My eyes then went towards my wrists. They are bruised. I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn't realized that neither felt the pain. "I can wa-" "Shut up." So I shut my mouth. He took me inside the house then uptairs to his room probably.

His room is so dark exactly like him. There isn't anything besides just a table and a couch in one side of the room. In the middle a king sized bed. Then besides that the closet and the bathroom near it maybe.

[Ahren's Bedroom Picture]

He made me sit on the bed then turned on more lights. The walls are black. Is everything black here? I flinched when he held my wrist. "I'm sorry for hurting you." I took back my hand from his hold. A sorry won't fix anything. A sorry won't make the trauma of today disappear.

"Yo-you are a monster. I ha-hate you." I hate him so much. He broke everything inside me today. I thought he threatened me but after that he won't do anything. He didn't only kill someone but he also misbehaved with me. "I wish I could tell Aaran bhaiya about you. I don't want to be with you. I want to leave. I hate you so much." I started crying once again. I feel so frustrated to cry in front of him. "I know." He will only say this?

"But I can't let you go. You are obliged to stay with me forever." With that saying he left the room leaving me alone. He left me. He didn't console me. He didn't make me feel safe as his wife. He failed as a husband on the very first day of our marriage.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩