Chapter 2


I had went downstairs after wiping my tears. I can't be selfish and let my family get hurt because of me. I'm not dumb to trust him blindly then be afraid. I looked outside my window to see indeed there are many men around my house with guns in their hands. I'm raised up in a mafia family so I didn’t got scared after seeing the guns cause I saw them many times.

After I came back to the living room Zaria and Aaidah bhabi kept asking me that what's wrong with me. If I cried cause my eyes seems red. I told them that I'm fine. Just something went in my eyes. Then I looked at Ahren who is looking at me with a smile on his face. Bastard! I'm already starting to hate him so much.

“The Nikah's date will be fixed soon since it's dangerous for Alaida because Fahir might hurt her.” His name is enough to scare the shit out of me. The fact that he can actually hurt me if I remain single is more terrifying. I also think that Ahren bhaiya's maa don't like me. She didn’t said anything to me since she came besides just looking at me. “Greet him and his maa.” Maa whispered to me. “Allah Hafez aunty and Ahren bhai-” Maa smacked my head so I couldn't finish my sentence. “Stupid girl. He is going to be your husband soon.” I was rubbing my head when I heard his mom chuckling. Maybe I heard it wrong? Cause when I looked at her then once again her expression was back to being cold. “Allah Hafez.” Ahren bhaiya and his maa said at the same time.

After they left I came back to my room. My bhabis came to check on me. “We are very sorry. We can't go against baba and maa.” I smiled at them telling them it's fine. They stood by my side, consoled me which is more than enough for me. If only my parents didn't said yes then I know both of them wouldn't let me get married this soon. After few minutes my brothers came too so Zaria and Aaidah bhabi left. “Sorry we can't do anything for you. It's actually dangerous for you if you don't get married now. You know that right that how Fahir is?” Asael bhaiya spoke. I know how that Fahir is, a bastard. I didn’t forgot what he did so I know why my family is so worried and afraid for my safety. “You can still continue studying. No one will stop you from doing anything. Tell me if Ahren doesn’t treat you nicely.” This time Aaran bhaiya spoke. I wish I could tell him that his best friend actually threatened me. But I can't take the risk of my family getting hurt. “I understand. I don't blame you guys.” I smiled at them to reassure them.

After they left baba and maa came. Both of them telling me the same thing. I only nodded my head like a obedient kid. Baba left but maa stayed. She held my hands looking at me. ”I know this is sudden for you. You are still not grown up properly to be a wife, a daughter-in-law at least. But remember that your maa is always going to be here for you to support you. I have chosen Ahren because I think that he is the best for you judging your current situation. If he ever treat you badly then tell me okay? Don't hide anything from me and keep suffering on your own.” Once again I nodded my head. Shs placed a kiss on my forehead then left.

I'm so pissed off. My family trust him so much and he is playing with their trust. Just wait and watch Ahren Ibtihaj how I make your life a living hell after you marry me. I will take revenge on you for this. If he thinks I'm some sweet, naive girl who won't do anything then he is wrong. Do me wrong and I will do the same thing to you. I'm not always kind.


Maa is so angry with me for wanting to marry Alaida. But I can't wait! At least not after that Fahir is laying his eyes again on her. She is mine from the moment I fell in love with her. No one can even look at her except me.

Why is she pretty? Her brown eyes, long hairs, especially that breathtaking smile is enough for anyone to fall in love with her. She looks more pretty and cute when she wears her glasses. Her height! She is so short compared to me. Her height is 4'10, haha that's cute. I will tease her for this from now on just to see her angry face.

Just few more days and she will be mine officially. No other man will even try to look at her after knowing that she is my wife. I feel bad for threatening her but I had to cause I know how stubborn she can be. She would go to Aaran and tell him about the other option instead of our marriage. I can't loss this opportunity when finally her parents and especially Aaran said yes for the marriage proposal. I can't tell Aaran about me loving his sister and threatening her otherwise he will kill me.

“Ahren?” I'm snapped away from my thoughts by maa's voice. “I'm still angry.” I sighed, looking at her. “Why you don't want me to marry her? Is it because she is still young so you are afraid that she won't be a perfect wife or a daughter-in-law? Or because you don't like her? Is she not pretty enough?” She shook her head as a no. Since yesterday I gave her the news, she is angry but she is not telling me the reason either.

Fine if she doesn’t want to tell me the reason then I won't force her. “Don't say anything but maa this way her life will be saved. You know everything about her that whatever happened. Still if you tell me not to marry her then I really don't have anything else to say.” I stood up from the couch to go to my room when maa held my hand, signaling me to sit down beside her.

I sat down, waiting for her to speak. If she stopped me from going to my room then I'm sure she wants to tell me something. “I'm just worried for her.” I raised my eyebrows, looking at her confused. “She is still young. I'm sure she doesn’t want to get married. You are also older than her. Then you have anger issues. She is still like a kid so she might make mistakes and I know that you will get angry on her for this. I won't even be here to stop you from doing anything. It's not like I don't like her.” This is why she is angry with me. And here I thought that she doesn’t like Alaida.

I held her hands, looking at her while smiling. “Maa I really love her. I know I'm not a good person but I will try to be a better person for her. I will try not to get angry on her cause I already know how she is so I mentally prepared myself.” Maa is quiet not saying anything else now. “Maa please trust your son. Your do know that your son can't never hurt a girl.” Shit I feel guilty for saying this. I'm a fucking psychopath actually. I might hurt Alaida. I have already hurt her by threatening her to marry me. “I trust you Ahren. Take care of her and try to be gentle with her always.” I smiled at maa even though the guilt is killing me from inside.

The day went by. I got busy with my work and trying to track down Fahir's location who disappeared suddenly. I swear I will kill him if he is trying to do something to hurt her. No one can hurt her. I repeat no one. No matter who that person is I will kill them right away if my Alaida cries for them.

I couldn’t even sleep the whole night then in the morning I directly came to Aaran's home to talk to him regarding some business matter. His mom is treating me more nicely maybe because I'm going to become their son-in-law now that's why. Though I told her to behave with me like before when I was only Aaran's best friend.

I met Aaran and our work is completed so now I have to leave but I didn’t wanted to leave without meeting her. Now that it's decided she is going to be my wife, I'm becoming more possessive. I want to meet her mostly because tomorrow is her birthday, she hates this day the most so I want to make sure that she is okay. “She is in her room. You can go and meet her.” Safia aunty said making me feel embarrassed that I got caught red handed. I nodded my head then went uptairs to her room, knocking on the door.

She opened the door after what seemed like a minute. What was she doing inside? I looked at her. After seeing me the fear in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by me. But she also covered it with a brave face. Interesting that she is trying to be brave in front of me but I know that deep down inside she is scared to death.

She didn’t offer me to come inside her room so I went inside on my own, pushing her aside gently then I closed the door. I need privacy when I'm with her. “Now what? Will you threaten me again? Is that why you closed the door?” She said angrily as she is also looking at me angrily. So cute! She is looking like an angry cat.

I shook my head, sitting down on her bed looking at her laptop. So she was watching Korean dramas that's why she couldn’t open the door. Suddenly she closed her laptop, keeping it on her table. I wouldn't say anything about not opening the door or being too busy with her dramas cause I exactly know why she is watching drama at this moment.

She is still looking at me angrily. It will take lots of efforts for me to make her look at me lovingly. “Sit.” I wanted to be gentle but my tone came off as demanding. She didn’t sit. Okay good. She can keep standing then. “I want to tell you something.” She finally spoke after a long moment of silence. “Speak.” She took a deep breath before she opened her mouth. “I'm not a virgin!” It's funny if she thinks that I don't know about this. I'm suppressing my laugh. I don't want to laugh when my baby is in a serious mood.

“Sweetheart that won't stop me from marrying you and making you mine.” Her eyes widened in shock. I would love it if her eyes widen like that when I will kiss her suddenly. Okay Ahren focus. I shouldn’t think about these stuff at this moment.

“Are you crazy? No man would want their wife to be a non-virgin.” She almost ended up yelling. “Well I'm not like those men. I will accept you the way you are.” I smiled at her meanwhile she is looking at me as if she is disgusted. “You are a psychopathic bastard.” Oh how come she knew about this so soon? Whatever it's good for me if she knows what kind of person I am.

Again the room is filled with silence. She sat on the chair and started doing something on her laptop as if I'm not even in this room. She is getting on my nerves now. Why is she not even looking at me? “Bhaiya it's rude to stare at someone like this.” She said without looking at me. “Stop calling me bhaiya from now on.” She turned around to look at me. “I will keep calling you bhaiya. You can't do nothing about it.” I clenched my fists. She knows how to annoy the shit out of me but I also know how to make her speechless. “I will see if you have the audacity to call me bhaiya when I will be fucking you on our wedding night.” As I expected she became speechless, she also looked away from me. I'm sure she is cursing me in that tiny head of hers.

“I'm leaving. Don't overthink too much. Allah Hafez my fiore.” I left her room. Cause I'm sure she won't say anything else to me. I talked with Safia aunty for a while then left from their home. As I was driving I couldn’t help but smile to myself while thinking about her reaction. Her cheeks had turned red. Even though she looked away from me quickly  I still noticed that. I will have fun to tease her often. Oof I can't wait to get married to her so that she will be living with me in my home, in my bedroom on the same bed.

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