Chapter 12


It has been 15 days already since we two got married yet we behave like strangers. After that day I misbehaved with her we barely talk to each other. We only talk in front of my parents to show them we are a good couple. Sometimes I think why I had to marry Aaidah who is my enemy. And sometimes I think why we see each other as enemies? We just never liked each other since we were kids. We bullied each other. We did everything to annoy the shit out of each other. We were academic rivals too, mostly that was the reason why we used to fight. Does that really makes us enemies? Damn it everything seems so frustrated these days. It's also Alaida's birthday after two days. My sister isn’t talking to anyone. She barely comes out of her room. Which matter should I handle? Alaida's one or Aaidah's one?

Let's forget about all of these. Let me lit up a cigarette. Only this can calm me down. My addiction for cigarette will never go away. But everytime I smoke, I remember about Zaria. I had promised her that I won't smoke again. What's the point of keeping a promise when I don't even talk to that person. I honestly want her to forgive me but she doesn’t even look at me. I noticed she gets scared by my sudden presence which piss me off. I ruined everything. I wish I never kidnapped her. I wish I remained friends with her. I wish I didn’t let my twisted mind get the best of me. I'm such a terrible person indeed. How could I even touch my brother's wife? Like how did that thought even came to my mind? I never want anything bad for Asael. But at that time I lost all my sanity. Now I'm only left with this feeling called guilt.

I threw away the cigarette and went downstairs as baba called everyone. I wonder what kind of bomb he will drop on us this time or specifically on me. I sat beside Aaidah. My eyes were on Alaida who looks so dull. How can a cheerful girl change so much during her birthday month? I guess this month reminds her of everything that's why she can't cope up with everything. Otherwise she usually remains cheerful.

“Fahir wants to marry Alaida.” I looked at baba. I'm fucking pissed off. He did not just say that. “Repeat that sentence one more time and I will kill that motherfucker by today.” Baba glared at me because I cursed. But do I care? No! It's about my sister's life! Baba can't remain calm even in this situation. Even Asael looks like he will kill everyone. Aaidah and Zaria are confused, well they don't know anything obviously they will be confused. About Alaida she seems to terrified. I can't see her like that! I will fucking kill that Fahir today. I don't care about anything. “Calm down! If you kill him then his father will declare a war against us. He is already angry because Asael left.”

As if I care that his father is angry. That old man can go to hell with his stupid anger issues. “I don't know what should I do. If we don't agree Fahir and his father will hurt our men, family. He was the main man who had actually did Zaria's accident. Mr. Abbas was just a pawn and we killed him. I clenched my fists. The fuck? He caused Zaria's accident? Now I have another reason to kill both son and father. “If we say no he will kill everyone. Neither we can kill him cause that way everyone will turn against us.” I don't give a fuck. I will kill everyone if it means Alaida will be safe.

I was snapped away from my thoughts by Alaida who is crying. “Bhaiya please n-no. Tell baba to s-say no. I won't m-marry him.” It breaks my heart to see her crying. “Baba you know my baba and I'm in the mafia too. We will support you guys. And I know my people will support you too if I tell them.” Aaidah said, I'm surprised that she is willing to help us. Not us. She is most probably doing this for Alaida. Whatever at least she is willing to help us by taking risk.

I stood up from the couch and went towards Alaida, telling Zaria to move who was trying to console Alaida. I sat beside her, holding her hands. “Do you trust me?” I'm not sure if she would be able to trust me after that incident. “Even if you don't trust me you definitely trust Asael right?” She started crying more now as she hugged me tightly. “I trust you both.” Asael came too who is now caressing her back. “Don't cry. We won't let you get hurt again.” After a while she calmed down, her head resting on my shoulder. Asael held her hand, saying soothing words to her. I'm not great like him at consoling anyone. I suck at everything.

“Will you say yes baba?” I asked him as I'm glaring at him. I respect him but sometimes I hate him for being a coward. He force his decision on us without thinking about the consequences, without thinking about our feelings. “Do you think I want to say yes? Be in my position then you will understand. I can't take the risk of my whole family getting hurt or maybe get killed.” My anger is rising more. May Allah have mercy on that Fahir cause I won't show any mercy. I decided it that I will kill this motherfucker and his father tonight. If anyone even dares to declare a war against us for this then I will kill them too.

As I'm busy thinking about ways to kill him cause my baba don't have the guts to do that, just then Ahren barged inside our home. I motioned him to get lost but he didn’t. Now baba will get angry on me. Why he can't understand that we are in a serious situation otherwise I would've said hello to him. “I will marry Alaida.” Everyone looked at him shocked. “Fuck off right now!” I said through gritted teeth. I was already pissed off now he came to piss me off more.

“You all know that even if my baba died everyone still respect him in the mafia world. I became powerful only because of baba. Everyone support me since I'm his son. If I marry her then no one will dare to even look at her.” I stood up grabbing his collar. I will drag him out myself since he can't leave on his own. “Would you rather want her to get married to that bastard? Would you rather trust him than your best friend?” I let go of his collar. He fucking have a point. “Uncle and aunty both of you know me for a long time. Do you guys think I will ever hurt her? Or is there any other guy powerful enough not to let her get hurt? I know Aaran is powerful but in your territory Fahir is more powerful. But in my territory no one is more powerful than me. My people would burn down the world for their king's wife.” I want him to shut up cause he have a point but I don't want to admit that. Cause how can I let my sister get married to my best friend?

But then again how many people will I kill? This mafia world is really dangerous. If I kill anyone then their people will just hurt Alaida and my family to take revenge. There are too many enemies behind me who are ready for me to commit one single mistake. Then they will use that against me mostly to hurt my family. For the first time I feel useless to be in mafia. Again I can't do anything to protect my little sister.

“Bring your mother with the marriage proposal.” This time maa spoke. “Bu-” She cut off baba before he could speak. “I only care about my daughter. Right now he is the best choice for her.” Everyone became quiet after maa shouted. I looked at Ahren. Doesn't he love someone else? Then why he is willing to marry Alaida? He is not even showing any emotions. I can't understand what's going on inside his mind. “Trust me Aaran.” He only said this one sentence and I melted there like an ice cream. He is my best friend so how can I not trust him? I looked over at Alaida. And fuck she looks traumatized. I need to talk to her before that I need to talk to Ahren to clear some things even if I trust him.

I told Ahren to come to my room. I locked the door, looking him coldly. “I thought you love someone? Then why you want to marry my sister?” He shrugged his shoulder as if this is nothing. I grabbed his collar again. “This is about her life! Tell me the truth.” He sighed before answering me, “Her safety matters to you?” I nodded my head. “Do you trust me?” I again nodded my head. “Then don't ask anything else. Just know that I won't hurt her. I won't cheat. If I marry her I will stay loyal to her all my life.” I left his collar. “Don't break my trust, Ahren.” I hope everything gets solved now. Please Allah please just for once listen to my prayers. Don't let her get hurt again. I won't be able to tolerate it.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩