Chapter 11


It was a sight to watch Aaidah being speechless because of me. Now I know what will effect her and make her speechless. I will use this in every argument against her. I'm such a genius, so proud of myself.

Now that she is in her home, my home seems so peaceful. I can peacefully stay in my room without a witch being around me. But my peaceful days were over. After only five days maa told me to bring her back home. Ya Allah do something so that she stays in her home not at my home. Well why am I even praying? Allah never listens to me. ‘Did you ever prayed Salah then how will Allah listen to you?’ My subconscious mind mocked me. I used to pray Salah but after that one incident I stopped praying. I prayed to Allah so much that time for that thing to never happen yet it happened. After that I lost my faith in Allah. It will remain that way always. I took a deep breath to calm down then went downstairs.

I was met with Zaria who is eating and Alaida is beside her. Alaida's mood is still off which I can understand very well. Of course her mood will be ruined. She is usually a cheerful girl but she completely change when it's her birthday month. As her older brother I feel so worthless that I can't do anything to make her forget about her past, to make her stay happy on her special day. “Bhaiya where are you going?” Alaida's voice brought me back to reality. Zaria too now looked at me, I immediately looked away from her. “Hm to bring Aaidah. You want to go?” I asked because I know she got close with Azir. She has been talking to him frequently on phone. As I expected she agreed to come with me.

“Won't you change?” She shook her head as a no. See this is what I was talking about. If it wasn’t her birthday month she would've told me to give her time to get ready. Even though she dress up simply but she would at least change her dress if she is going outside. “You look like a ghost.” She glared at me making me smirk at her. The thing I can do is to behave normally with her instead of pitying her. Not only me, our whole family does this so that she wouldn’t feel like we are pitying her which will only make her feel more bad.

She went outside without saying a word. This girl! She never respects me. I went behind her getting inside the car as I started to drive towards Aaidah's home. The car ride was silent. None of us spoke though Alaida listened to music. After we reached I told her to go inside first because I have to park my car. After a while I went inside and greeted Aaidah's parents. Alaida already got engrossed in talking with Azir. I don't understand what she even sees in that little boy. He is so annoying. All he does is cry for his sister nothing else. I don't like him at all. I don't even like his sister. If I could I would've already kill her. And there she comes. Everytime I'm thinking about her, she will always bless me with her annoying presence.

She hugged Alaida as they started talking among themselves. I'm talking with her father, business talk obviously. After an hour we left. As usual Azir again cried but this time for both his sister and my sister too. I think he is just doing this to get their attention since they are girls. He is a kid but so cunning already. I had glared at him. And guess what? He glared at me too with tears in his eyes. We both hate each I guess? That’s good anyways.

During the whole ride these two women annoyed me so much by playing some stupid songs loudly or either by speaking loudly as if they are giving a speech in front of a crowd. I was indeed annoyed but I was also happy to see Alaida being happy. I noticed one thing that she seems genuinely happy when she is with Zaria or Aaidah. I don't know if Asael told Zaria anything or not but she seems to care for Alaida more nowadays. Whatever I'm just happy that my sister is happy even if it's for a short time.

After dropping them home I told them to go inside. I didn’t got out from the car as I will go to my office now. Lots of work are pending, I need to finish them quickly. I can't always stay at home for this stupid marriage with no meaning. I was about to start the car when I noticed Asael's car. Is he at home? Just then both Asael and Zaria came outside while holding each other's hands. Damn it still hurts seeing her with another man who is not me. I guess I still didn’t move on from her. The question is can I even move on from her? Or I will always keep loving her and suffer like this?

Suddenly Asael looked at me though Zaria didn’t as her back is facing me. She was about to turn around to look behind when Asael grabbed her face and started kissing her. He is kissing her but he is looking at me. He is doing this on purpose. I looked away and started my car. I couldn’t look at them any longer. I have to accept the fact that she can't be mine, never. I have to forget her.

After I finished my work in my office I went to a bar with Ahren. He doesn’t drink but he still comes with me. I drank a lot today and became drunk in the end. Ahren dropped me home then I went inside. I'm lucky that now everyone is sleeping so no one will see me in this state. I went to my room seeing Aaidah sitting on the couch working. I feel so frustrated now. Why she is in my room? I went towards the couch, stumbling on my way due to being drunk. I'm drunk but still in my sense, not completely though. “Get out.” She looked up at me, no emotions on her face. As people say she is a emotionless bitch. “I'm not disturbing you, Aaran then why?” She even have the audacity to question me.

I grabbed her hand making her stand up. “I said get out. I hate your presence. I don't want you in my room.” Aaidah pulled back her from my hold. And next she threw water on my face after grabbing the glass of water from the table. “Next time think twice before touching me.” I wiped the water, coming back in my sense. She did not just do that. “What the fuck?” She is glaring at me. “Thank God you came back to your sense. Now listen to me carefully. You can't touch me without my permission not even in your drunken state. I will cut your hands motherfucker.” She is so angry. What did I even do? I just told her to get out- right yeah I told her to get out. Now it's also her room. I can't deny that she is my wife now and have equal right in this room. I hate this fact that I have to accept it. I don't even have any other option. I know I'm wrong but she don't have any right to throw water at me! I was drunk, she could've understand that.

“You-” I took a step closer towards her but she didn't move back. She is still glaring at me. Another thing I have to admit that she is such a brave woman. Okay Aaran come back to reality. “You don't have any right to thro-” She cut me off, “You don't have  the right to touch me. Just because you got drunk or because you are upset doesn’t mean you can insult me. Leave this room? Never. Don't forget that we are married now even if it was against our decision.” With that saying she moved towards the bed. This time she made me speechless. I mean it's my fault so I can't blame her, can I?

I'm frustrated because of Asael and Zaria so that doesn’t actually give me the right to behave like this with Aaidah when she doesn’t know the reason behind my frustration. What was I doing? ‘Would you like it if a man behaved like this with your sister just because he was frustrated and drunk?’ I questioned myself and now I'm feeling ashamed of myself. Why did I drink so much? I could've just talk with Ahren then vent out all my frustration instead I got drunk like an idiot and ended up misbehaving with her. First I need to take a shower to calm down myself. After that I will think about all these.

After few minutes I came out of the shower. I sat on the bed looking at Aaidah's back. I called her name but no response though I can tell that she is awake. “I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have misbehaved with you.” It was silence for next few minutes before she spoke. “At least you realized your mistake.” I didn’t say anything else to her. I'm a bastard I know that but I never misbehave with anyone without a proper reason especially with women. But I did it today and I apologized. I know how to admit my mistakes and apologize. I promise myself that I will never misbehave with Aaidah again.

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