Chapter 10


After my last encounter with Aaran, I didn’t talked to him again. Even the next day I kept ignoring him but that jerk smirked at me everytime we made eye contact. I will see how he will smirk after I make him speechless the next time. I'm working on this mission called “How to make Aaran speechless” Nice mission right? I just hope I become succesful in this mission. What am I saying? Obviously I will! No one can defeat me in anything.

Okay let's keep this thoughts aside. It's my Walima today. Again I have to wear a heavy dress. I wore a white lehenga and I did my makeup on my own. I didn’t wanted to go to parlor when I'm not even excited for anything. “Are you killing someone there? Why are you taking so long?” Aaran shouted from outside our room. Well I started saying our room. He married me so now it's also my room. I won't say his room for formality. I don't do those things. “Aaidah!” Allah this guy! Doesn’t he know that a girl needs time to get ready? “Why are you shouting bhaiya? Let her get ready peacefully.” There comes my savior, my sister-in-law. I love how she is always ready to take my side even though we barely know each other. I also got the best sister-in-law. Now I remembered her birthday is coming soon. I will give her something precious because she is precious and cute. “Just look how long she is taking.” Aaran's voice brought me back to reality. I took my purse and came out of the room, glaring at him. “You are not a good husband.” Alaida said then ran off. I understand why she ran away otherwise this man would've hit my precious Alaida. “Let's go now.” I told him who just glared at me without saying anything.

Baba, maa, Asael bhaiya and Zaria already left in one car. There wasn’t any space for Alaida thus she will be going with us. I went outside seeing Ahren there too. I guess he will also go with us. “Couples should sit in the front. I will sit in the passenger seat with Alaida.” There is no way I'm letting a man sit next to her. “There is no rule that couples have to sit in the front. I will sit with her.” With that saying I sat in the passenger seat. Ahren clenched his fists which didn’t go unnoticed by me. I also noticed how he looked at Alaida in our wedding day. The look in his eyes was different whenever he used to stare at Alaida. I wonder if no one from Aaran's family noticed it or not especially Aaran. He seems overprotective of her yet he don't notice how his best friend looks at her. I mean Ahren doesn’t look at her like a pervert or anything like that. His look is like he is love with her but that's wrong cause Alaida is younger than him. She will just turn 19 after few days. “What are you thinking bhabi?” I looked at her, smiling. “Nothing.”

“You can go to the bathroom. No one will disturb you there.” Aaran said while smirking at me. Both Ahren and Alaida are looking at him confused. “We both can-” Fuck no. Alaida is here. What was I gonna say in front of her. His smirk widened more. I'm sure he probably figured it out why I stopped speaking. I ignored him and started talking to Alaida.

After an hour we reached. My parents came to me. Azir immediately started crying after seeing me. I hugged him and started rubbing his back. “Aww a cute guy like you shouldn’t cry.” Alaida said making him look up at her after removing his face from my neck. “Aai she is so prettyyyy.” The way he stretched out the word ‘pretty’ is so cute. Azir tugged the end of Alaida's lehenga. “Who are you?” Huh this little grumpy guy is being soft for her. Otherwise he doesn’t even talk to anyone. Alaida started talking to him, holding his hand and taking him away. At least he wouldn't cry. “Good that he is with Alaida. Now you can sit on the stage peacefully. He won't trouble you.” My maa said.

The venue is decorated according to white themes. There are white flowers also few roses in every corner. The stage is decorated with simple white clothes and no flowers around the stage. I liked how the decoration is simple yet elegant. Our family wore white colour clothes matching the theme. White is both mine and Aaran's favourite colour that's why they decided to keep this theme.

Just like our wedding day everyone came and clicked pictures with us. But today some new people came though I recognized the guy. Sabin Meheshud the CEO of Meheshud Enterprise. He is a well known businessman. Though I don't know why he would come to our walima. I mean in Walima only close people are invited. Beside him there is a pretty girl. MashaAllah! She is so pretty.

“Congratulations bhai and bhabi.” I looked at Sabin confused. “Ouch bhai I'm hurt. You didn’t told her about me? Your favourite cousin.” Oh so he is Aaran's cousin. “My cousin from paternal side. I hope I don't need to tell you his name since he is so famous all around the world and you as a CEO yourself would definitely know about him.” I glared at Aaran, he is so rude! “Thank you.” I looked at the girl beside him. “She is my friend, Ahvi.” She looked at me smiling and signing something through her hands to Sabin. I guess she is mute? Though I don't want to say anything without being sure. I might hurt her feelings. “She said hi to you guys and congratulations.” I returned the smile to her and thanked her. Sabin leaned in closer, “Yes she is mute. Just don't say anything please. Though I believe that you won't say anything which will hurt her feelings.” He whispered to me. He cares for her a lot. I doubt that they are just friends. Mark my words guys soon they will become a couple.

I looked beside me to see Aaran looking at Ahvi who is telling him something through sign language. “Yes I'm fine. You know I'm always grumpy so don't worry.” Aaran replied making me surprised. That means he knows sign language. He is also smiling at her. Like the look in his eyes is of admiration and the way he is talking to her in a soft manner as if he is talking to a kid. Is Ahvi his first love by any chance? I mean she is really pretty so I wouldn't be surprised if she is the one who won this cold man's heart. After clicking some pictures they also left.

After what seemed like an entire day the function came to an end. We came back home. After changing my clothes I immediately went to bed. We are sleeping on the same bed. Though we use two different blankets and Aaran put some pillows in the middle as a wall between us. Like what this guy is afraid of? I won't eat him alive. I'm not interested him. Whatever he can do anything he wants. I don't care nor I will care in future. Honestly I don't think our marriage will last long. We will divorce. If there is no love, respect, trust in a marriage then obviously there will be divorce. Though I don't want us to divorce cause it would hurt both of our family. Ugh why am I even thinking about all of these. We will see what happens in the future.

Next morning I woke up early and after having breakfast I left for my office. There were some problems so I had to go urgently otherwise I would've taken rest today. My day was spent in the office with me working all day to fix the problem one of my worker had created by leaking our company's information. After a hectic day I returned home at night. I had dinner then went to sleep directly, too tired to stay awake. Aaran is outside, well I don't even care for him. But tomorrow I need him to drop me at my home. Yes, I will go to my home and stay there for few days. Maa said Aaran have to go, I can't go alone. Now that I'm married it would be rude if I go alone instead of taking my husband when I'm going to my home for the first time after I got married. Now if he doesn’t come home tomorrow too then I will just go alone. I won't wait for him. With these thoughts running on my mind sleep took over me.

Next day I woke up late as I don't have to go to office. Thankfully Aaran is at home now. I got ready then went downstairs. After breakfast both of us left for my home. The car ride was silent. We don't even talk. Neither we look at each other. We are like complete strangers all the time even after getting married.

As soon as we reached home Azir ran towards me. Aaran greeted my parents. He was about to leave but baba stopped him and strictly told him to stay for lunch. At least he kept baba's request otherwise I would've punch him. Baba and he was talking in the living room. I was in the kitchen helping maa.

During luch we all sat down eating peacefully but two people were busy glaring at each other. Aaran and Azir. “You are bad. You took away my Aai from me.” Aaran gave him a fake smile. “I'm so sorry for that. You can keep her with you always.” Azir's eyes sparkled with joy. “Really? You are nice!” This little guy can't even understand sarcasm.

After lunch Aaran decided to leave. “See him off.” Maa told me. He is not the prime minister that I have to see him off. But since maa told me I had to go. He hugged me. That's just an act to show my parents that he is a good husband. I can't even push him away because I care about my parents. “These few days will be like in heaven without you being around.” He whispered near my ear. I gave him a fake smile and bid him goodbye. Well let him live peacefully for now. Cause once I go back to his home I will see how he can live peacefully. I will make him feel like he is living in hell.

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