Chapter 8


I can't believe I'm married to a woman I don't even love. I barely know her. I only know her name and age, nothing else. Fuck it man. All of these are so annoying. Now she will also live in my room, frustrating!

I looked at the door where she stood looking at me. Don't girls feel shy on their wedding night? Then why she is not feeling shy? Instead she is looking at me straight in the eye. Wait wedding night? What the hell I'm saying? It's just another normal night for me, that's it.

She is still staring at me. If she needs something then she can say it. So I ignored her and started working in my laptop. She came inside then went to the bathroom. After what seemed like an hour she came out. Was she killing someone in the bathroom? Why did she took so long? ‘She is a woman that's why stupid’ My subconscious mind mocked me that too for this woman.

“What are you looking at?” Aaidah's voice brought me back to reality. “Looking at a witch.” I smiled at her, of course it's a fake smile. “I know this witch is pretty but still it's rude to stare at someone.” She flipped her hair before sitting down on the bed beside me, the side which is empty. This woman is already getting on my nerves. “You sleep on the couch. I will sleep on the bed.” She looked at me as if I said something unexpected. I don't think I did. I'm sure she wouldn't want to sleep on the same bed with me. But I won't leave my bed for a mere woman. So she can sleep on the couch. I'm no gentleman if she thinks I am. “Why don't you sleep on the couch? Cause you are the one who have a problem with sleeping together on the same bed.” My jaw dropped on the floor at her reply. What the hell? I thought she wouldn't want to sleep on the same bed.

She is even smirking at me, the audacity! “Oops I think your jaw is on the floor. Should I pick it up for you?” I clenched my fists. “Fine we both sleep on the bed together.” This didn’t effected her. Instead she laid down on the bed pulling the blanket on her. I won't sacrifice my bed either for her so I also laid down on the bed beside her. It feels weird to sleep on my bed now with another human being beside me. With these thoughts running on my mind, I fell asleep eventually the tiredness taking over me.

Next morning when I woke up I didn’t saw Aaidah. But I saw her in downstairs in the living room after I came down for breakfast. She is talking with Zaria. It looks like they will become good friends soon. My wife will be friend with my first love? Wow that's some messed up shit. Isn't it? Aaidah looked at me then looked away again. Soon everyone came and sat for breakfast. “I know you two got married in a rush so it's okay if you two don't get along. You will get close to each other eventually. Just give some time.” Baba spoke. Me and Aaidah nodded our head. At least she knows how to respect elders. If she didn’t respected my family I don't know what I would've done to her. I mean I'm not the best but I respect elders obviously those who deserves it. My family definitely deserves it. Her family deserves it too that's why I talked to her parents nicely. Though it seems like her younger brother don't like me that much like her. “Aaran eat.” Maa's voice brought me back to reality. I started eating. Did someone else cooked? I know how maa and Zaria's food taste like but this is different today. “Aaidah cooked today.” She cooks well. “Bhaiya and bhabi are perfect both can cook well so that makes them like a perfect pair.” Alaida said munching on her food. I shoved the sandwich in her mouth. “Shut up idiot.” She glared at me. “Hey don't do that to her.” Aaidah scolded me. “You are my second favourite bhabi cause Zaria bhabi is first.” Aaidah smiled at Alaida. She can smile too? This woman is giving me one shock after another today.

But one thing made me realize if only I didn’t mess up things with Zaria and if we were on good terms with each other, she would've also scolded me like Aaidah for annoying Alaida. Cause I saw her sometimes scolding Asael for this reason. Well whatever! Good things doesn’t happen to me. I'm used to bad things happening to me and I'm always prepared for it.

After breakfast I went to my room cause maa told me not to go to my office today. Marriage is such a hectic thing. I can't even go to office for this. After few minutes Aaidah came so I looked at her. I wanted to talk to her about something but in the morning she woke up before me. I was about to speak but then she got a call. It's her younger brother, I can see him in the phone. Her brother is crazy for her that means she loves him way too much. Aaidah Sheikh loving someone? That's something I can never imagine. But I guess she really loves her family especially her younger brother.

“Speak.” I looked at her confused. Speak what? What is she blabbering about now? “You are staring at me since I came in the room. It means you want to tell me something so speak.” Her tone- no one ever talked to me like that in a demanding way except my parents. I have to do something about the way she speaks to me but first let me handle this issue first. “I will throw you out of my house if any police comes to my house because of your dead ex fiancee.” She looked taken aback. I guess she didn’t expected me to know about this. But what to do? I know everything. I even know the reason she married me.

Her father told me everything before our wedding day cause he didn’t wanted to hide anything from me. He wanted me to know everything beforehand then marry her. I don't care about anything anyways. I agreed to marry her only for maa. Even if I didn’t knew anything I wouldn't mind neither blame her or her family for lying to me or anything like that.

“Ouch- what the fuck?” I stood up from the bed, glaring at her. She had just hit me on my head with a book. Damn she is strong. It hurts like hell. “If you want to be lost in your thoughts then do it in the bathroom. That's the best place where no one will disturb you neither anyone will need you.” What's wrong with her? Who talks like this weirdly? What did she even said? Is there any logic in whatever she said? “Wallahi Aaran Ibrahim I will shoot you if you again get lost in your thoughts especially when you start a conversation with me.” I took the book from her and hit her on her head too but not too hard to hurt her. “You are abusing me! I will call the police right now.” As if the police would be able to do anything to me. “Sure but let me tell you that you abused me first. It's not a crime to get lost in your thoughts.”

She took a deep breath as if trying to calm down. “Don't worry no police will come to your house. I handled everything.” With that saying she left the room, shutting the door loudly. Bitch! If my door is ruined then will she fix it? I will have to do something to fix her attitude. I thought she is grumpy and an introvert but she talks too much! Next time I will put a tape on her mouth to prevent her from speaking.

I turned around only to get shocked. My table! It's now filled with books. The fuck she did to my table? When she even did it? I didn’t noticed it until now. I always keep my table neat and clean. I don't keep anything on it besides some important documents and my laptop. If she did this to my table then what did she do to my closet? I quickly went to check my closet getting another shock. My clothes aren’t in the closet? I checked everywhere and didn’t found my clothes anywhere.

I went downstairs calling her, “Aaidah Sheikh!” Fuck everyone is in the living room. Baba is now glaring at me. “Where are my clothes?” She is looking at me innocently. She is a great actress too. “I have many clothes but there wasn’t any space left in your closet so I kept your clothes in the guestroom.” There was space! She is doing this to annoy me and she is succeeding in that. “You come here! I will show if there is any space left in the closet or not.” I will fuck her in that closet and show her if there is any space or not. Wait- what? What the fuck I just said right now? I'm losing my mind. This woman will be the death of me.

“Maa see he is being like this since morning. He had even hit me on my head with a book. It's still hurting.” Oh my God look at her acting. I didn't hit her that hard. Suddenly out of nowhere baba came towards me smacking my head. “Did I taught you this? She is your wife and have every right to use your closet. Why didn’t you make space for her before the wedding day? Idiot.” Baba is scolding me for her.

“Say sorry to her now.” Maa said angrily. Maa is pissed off too so I better apologize if I don't have a death wish. “I'm sorry.” I looked at her who is smirking at me but immediately her expression changed when maa looked at her, caressing her face asking if she is okay or not. I'm the one who is getting tortured by this woman and here my family is asking her if she is okay or not. I glared at her, just wait and watch how I take revenge on you Aaidah Sheikh.

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