Chapter 7


Tomorrow is my wedding. Wow I can't believe that I will get married tomorrow that too with another man but not my lover. Just by thinking about that cheater makes me feel so angry. But I smirked thinking about the plan I made which will make him suffer. I'm a genius, indeed. “Why are you smiling to yourself?” Maa asked making me come back to reality. “Nothing. Maa I have to go outside. I have some work to do but I promise I will come back soon.” Maa frowned, I know she is angry. “It's your wedding tomorrow! No you won't leave.” Oops she is so damn angry. Only baba can handle her. “Let her go. It's regarding our mafia business which needs to be handled before her marriage.” There came my protector aka my baba. He don't even know for what work I'm going outside but still he lied to maa for me. “Do whatever you two want to do. No one listens to me in this house.” I looked at baba with pleading eyes. “Go but come back soon. I will take care of your maa don't worry.” Baba left too going after maa now. I got the best baba in the world.

I took my car's key and was about to head outside when I felt someone hugging me from behind. I know who is it. My another favourite person in this world, my brother Azir. “Aai where are you going?” Aai is the nickname he gave me cause he gets annoyed to call me by my full name. This little kid gets annoyed so easily. ‘Just like you.’ My subconscious mind mocked me. I rolled my eyes. My subconscious mind is a bitch. ‘That's because I'm your subconscious mind so like you I'm also a bitch.’ Goddammit this bitch is so annoying. “Aai-” I looked down and immediately started panicking seeing tears forming in Azir's eyes. I bent down on his level wiping away the tears which were about to fall. “You will leave me tomorrow?” Now I too want to cry. I don't want to leave my brother alone. “Yes but I will come to meet you. You can video call me from baba's phone anytime you want.” His eyes sparkled in joy. “Really?” I nodded my head hugging him. “Now go to sleep. It's getting late.” I kissed him on his forehead and told the maid who takes care of him to take him to his room.

[Mature content ahead❗ You can skip this part if you are uncomfortable with violence]

I reached in my warehouse soon. I entered inside seeing Atib being tied up and beaten up pretty badly by my men. His another girl with whom he cheated with on me is also here but no men had touched her. My women were taking care of her.

“W-why are you d-doing this. Don't y-you love me?” I used to love him but not anymore. I buried my feelings deep within my heart. I locked my feelings in a box so that I won't get carried away. And he is asking me if I love him? Why would I love a cheater like him? “Let u-us go p-please.” Us? Wow so he cares about that other girl too. Great! It would be so much fun to watch them die together.

“What should we do with them now?” Zahir, my most trusted man asked. “Give me the gun.” As soon as I said that I could see the fear in both Atib and that girl's eyes. I went towards the girl, playing with my gun. “What? Now cat got your tongue?” I mocked her like how she mocked me. This girl couldn’t even say anything neither I gave her another minute to speak as I shot her in the head. Next is Atib, my ex fiancee. I didn’t even approached him and he is already shivering. Such a coward! As I approached him he was about to say something but I didn’t gave him the chance to open his mouth. I also shot him on his head. It feela so good after killing them.

“Should we dispose their body?” Zahir asked me. “No send their bodies to their house.”  After baba cancelled our marriage his mother came to our house who insulted me, mostly insulted my parents that I'm a disgrace and that my maa failed to make me a nice person. No one would want a girl like me as their wife or daughter-in-law. She cursed my maa that maa will suffer badly one day because of me. You cursed my maa now I will make you suffer by sending your son's death body to you. I don't tolerate it if anyone says anything to my parents. I don't give a fuck who they are. You say a shit about my family and you will face my wrath. As for that girl I killed her too because it's because of girls like her that another girl's life is ruined. Girls like her don't even know how to stay away from a man who is taken. They too deserve to die like the cheater.

[Mature content ends here]

“Congratulations for your marriage.” Zahir said while smiling at me. Others congratulated me too. I thanked them before telling Zahir to follow me towards my car. “Make sure the security is tight tomorrow. And don't leave Azir's sight at all okay? My parents and I will be busy thus we won't be able to keep an eye on him the whole time.” Zahir nodded his head. “Ma'am change your clothes first. You will freak out your family with the blood stain.” Shit I forgot about this. “Thank you.” I went to the spare room and changed my clothes quickly then went back to my home.

I went to my parents room. Obviously I have to fix my maa's mood. “Maa please don't be so angry at me.” Maa ignored me. I hugged her from behind. “I will leave tomorrow and you are ignoring me?” Maa turned around, hitting me on my head. “You started with your emotional blackmail again.” I smiled at her sheepishly. It's easy to pacify her. “My baby will leave us.” Maa said caressing my face. “Yeah good that she will leave. I will be able to eat sweets peacefully.” I glared at baba. He have diabetes yet he will eat sweets. “I'm joking. Of course I will miss my second queen.” Maa laughed making me laugh too. Also baba said that maa is his first queen and I'm his second queen. I once asked him why he don't call me princess like other fathers. He replied saying that it's because I'm his queen not a princess. Isn't he the best baba? I will miss my parents and Azir so much.

“Go to sleep. Tomorrow we have lots of work.” I left their room going towards Azir's room. I kissed him on his forehead before going back to my room. It feels like a dream that tomorrow I will get married. I have to leave my family and live with another family. I didn’t even talked with Aaran's family that much. I don't know how they will treat me? Will they treat me like how Atib's maa treated me always like a trash? I don't know why his maa hated me so much. I respected her always, tried to win her heart, I did everything yet she used to hate me. I was fine with her hating me that was until she had insulted my maa. I despise her now as much as I despise her dead son. With these thoughts running in my mind sleep took over me.

Next morning I got up and had my breakfast. I finished every work then left for the parlor to get ready. Azir came with me. He wasn’t willing to leave me alone today at all. He can be too grumpy and stubborn sometimes. Duh he got that from me, he is exactly like me. “Aai you look pretty.” He complimented me after I was done getting ready. I thanked him leaning down to kiss on his cheek but he stopped me. “Eww don't kiss me. Your lipstick will be all over my face.” I glared at him meanwhile he is giggling. Good at least he is happy instead of being sad that I will leave him alone.

I made him sit in the back seat then started the car. Yes, I'm driving the car to the wedding venue. Of course maa had forbade me but do I listen to anyone? Nope I don't. I barely let any driver drive the car for me. It's either I drive myself or use my bike or just walk to the destination.

Soon we reached inside and maa took me to the stage. I handed Azir to Zahir first, my brother's safety comes first. Then I sat on the stage beside Aaran. We clicked few pictures cause everyone forced us. We didn’t talked to each other. There aren’t many guests at our wedding otherwise people would've talk about it that why we are so distant from each other. “Congratulations bhaiya and bha-” Alaida stopped speaking, looking at me. “Can I call you bhabi?” Aww she is so sweet. She is asking for my permission first. Since she is asking me so nicely I can't refuse her even though I don't want want anyone to call me bhabi. “Sure.” A smile appeared on her face. “Congratulations bhaiya and bhabi.” I thanked her with a smile.

“Don't expect me to call you bhabi cause we are the same age.” Ahren said. “I don't even want anyone to call me bhabi, please.” He laughed after what I said making me glare at him. Asael bhaiya and his wife came next. “Bhabi? Or I should call you by your name?” Zaria is younger than me so I suppose that's why she is talking to me with so much respect. “You can call me Aaidah. And treat me like a friend.” She is going to be my sister-in-law so it's better if I try to get along with her instead of being grumpy.

There is this one thing I noticed. As soon as Zaria came the whole atmosphere in the stage changed. Ahren seemed like he was feeling awkward and nervous. Aaran's expression didn’t go unnoticed by me. He looked at Zaria with different emotions in his eyes though he was quick to look away also. Even Zaria seemed distant from him like she didn’t wanted to talk to him. Maybe I'm thinking too much.

The function kept going on like this. I don't feel scared neither I get nervous easily in any situation but the moment when I had to say “Qubool” I felt so nervous that I had to hold maa's hand. I felt like I would die at that time. Of course marriage is a big thing. On the top of that I'm marrying a person whom I barely know. We know each other since childhood yet we are so distant from each other.

Maa cried a lot when it was time for me to leave. Baba was calm though I know he is feeling sad. Azir was crying so much. It was hard to make him stop crying. Zahir had to hold him from running towards me cause he wasn’t willing to leave my hand. Somehow I managed to calm him down. Aaran's maa reassured my maa that she will take care of me as her daughter. She talked to me so nicely that I was shocked. I can tell she is going to be an amazing mother-in-law cause I saw how she treated Zaria. It was almost like Zaria is her daughter not a daughter-in-law.

“Are you alive?” Aaran asked me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t heard what he said. “What?” He rolled his eyes on me. The audacity of this man! “You said you wanted to stop somewhere. Where? Tell me the address.” Wow he is nice enough actually. I thought he will leave me on the road. “Don't get your hopes high. Maa will kill me if I don't treat you nicely that's why I'm being nice.” He ruined my mood. Such an asshole he is! I gave him the address. He started driving again. Both of us were silent during the whole ride.

Suddenly the car stopped. We reached at my destination. “Seriously? Why have we come to someone's funeral?” I got out of the car. He didn’t came out of the car not that I had expected him to follow me. I entered inside Atib's house. Everyone was shocked to see me. Of course they would be shocked to see his ex fiancee coming in his funeral in a wedding dress.

I went towards his mom who is looking at me with so much hatred in her eyes. “You witch you cursed my son! That's why he died.” Oops he didn’t die because of my curse but because I had shot him. “It's not good to curse someone aunty. The curse might come back to you and then you will be the one suffering instead of that person suffering whom you cursed.” No words were coming out from her mouth. Say the truth then watch people becoming speechless. “And sorry for your loss.” With that saying I left his house knowing I will never come back here.

Surprisingly Aaran didn’t said anything to me. He didn’t even asked me anything neither he gave me any lecture. We reached his home late because of me. Everyone was so worried. His maa came to me immediately asking me if I'm okay. She even checked my face, hands to see if I'm hurt anywhere. Damn she is so nice unlike her son. “I had to attend a meeting that's why we were late.” Aaran took the blame on him surprising me. He could've tell his family the truth but he didn’t. “Okay now go to your room. You two must be tired.” Oh I forgot that I have to stay in the same room as Aaran Ibrahim. But I'm thrilled to live on the same with him. Let's see what happens tonight.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about đŸ„€ đŸ‡§đŸ‡©