Chapter 3


I left the party after my encounter with Aaidah. I didn’t stay to cut the cake. Baba got angry but I told maa to explain it to him somehow. Zaria's mood would've got ruined thus I didn’t wanted to cut the cake with Asael. Plus my mood was ruined after I saw that girl Aaidah. I heard she usually doesn’t speak with anyone then why does she always open her mouth in front of me? Why can't she be quiet?

I came back to my mansion with Ahren, both of us now drinking. Well drinking as in Ahren is drinking his orange juice meanwhile I'm consuming alcohol. He doesn’t smoke neither he drinks alcohol. “Aaidah really gets on your nerves huh?” Why Ahren is also talking about her? “Should I give you a shocking news?” I nodded my head cause even if I tell him not to say anything he will still say it. “Aaidah is the daughter of that friend of uncle's who wanted you to marry his daughter.” I chocked on my drink. The fuck?

“I will kill you if this is a joke.” I looked at Ahren who shrugged his shoulder. “You can ask uncle then or Alaida.” I wished I never heard this. Marry that girl? Jeez no way. I would jump from a cliff rather than marrying her. “Aaidah is actually pretty.” I rolled my eyes at what he said. Pretty my ass. “Then marry her.” Now he is glaring at me. “I will only marry the girl I love no one else.” He said angrily before leaving. His tone was enough to let me know that he is already so whipped for this girl whom he claims to love.

I got up and went to my room to take a quick shower. I layed down on my bed thinking about Zaria. No I won't think about her anymore. I moved on yeah I moved on. I'm just drunk that's why I'm thinking about her right now. Despite reminding myself not to think about her, I fell asleep that night while I kept thinking about her.

As expected next morning I woke up with a bad headache. I went downstairs and was met with my parents. Maa have a key of my mansion so I'm not surprised that how could they enter inside. Baba seems angry but why? That's when my eyes went towards the table. Shit! I left the alcohol on the table. “Is this why you wanted to stay alone away from us?” Baba yelled at me. Maa also looks angry. Once again I disappointed her. “You will come back in our house and you will live together with us from now on.” My eyes widened in shock. I can't stay there, that will make Zaria uncomfortable. “I'm waiting in the car.” With that saying baba left without giving me any chance to speak.

“Why do you always disappoint me, Aaran?” I feel so bad. Maa looks so sad right now. It's breaking my heart. “Come back. I will talk to both Asael and Zaria about this. I'm sure they will understand. Just please don't approach Zaria or hurt her. Don't disappoint me again, please I beg you.” The guilt inside me is killing me. I left my mansion going to our mansion with my parents now.

Today Alaida didn’t came to hug me as she is in school. I entered inside seeing Asael laughing with Zaria. Both didn’t go to office today? Whatever that's not my business. I realized they stopped laughing once they noticed my presence. The fear is evident on Zaria's face. I don't have anything else to say. Great just great. She is afraid of me. “Go to your room Aaran.” Maa told me sternly. I listened to her. It's better if maa handle this situation.

I didn’t wanted to come downstairs for lunch but Alaida dragged me telling me baba told her to bring me. I sat in my chair. Today I didn’t even glanced at Zaria. Asael seems to be in a bad mood. I expected that from before. Everyone ate in silence. After lunch I went to Zaria. I can't live like this feeling guilty. “Listen I apologize for what I did. I realized what I did was very wrong. I could've tell you my feelings in person instead of kidnapping you and hurting you. I'm really sorry. Trust me I wouldn't come back here but I had to because of baba.” I said quickly in one breath. I wonder if she even understood what I said. She kept staring at me blankly then after a while she left without saying anything. I don't deserve her forgiveness so it's fine. “Don't worry she will forgive you. Give her some time. Asael will also forgive you after all he is your brother.” I said I don't care but I do hope Zaria forgives me.

I stayed in my room finishing my incomplete work. I didn’t went out of the room because I didn’t wanted to come in front of Zaria. I wish baba wasn’t this strict so I could deny him. I was snapped away from my thoughts by a knock on my door. “Bhaiya baba called everyone in the living room urgently.” Did something happen? Why did baba call everyone so suddenly.

I went downstairs, everyone is already present in the room. I sat down beside Alaida far away from Zaria. “I have to tell you guys something. It's regarding Aaran.” My heart started beating faster. Did baba got to knew everything about what I did with Zaria? I can't bear it if baba also gets disappointed in me like maa. Please don't let that happen. “I decided Aaran will get married to my friend's daughter, Aaidah.” What? The fuck he just said right now? Marry who? That stupid girl Aaidah? Wasn’t she engaged? Then why I have to marry her? I won't marry her. As I said I will jump from a cliff rather than marrying Aaidah Sheikh.

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