
Main Lead:

Aaran Ibrahim
Aaidah Sheikh

Other Characters:

Nazib Ibrahim (Aaran's Father)
Safia Ibrahim (Aaran's Mother)
Asael Ibrahim (Aaran's twin brother)
Alaida Ibrahim (Aaran's younger sister)
Zaria Ahmed (Aaran's sister-in-law)
Huriya Jahan (Aaran's cousin)

Fakhir Sheikh (Aaidah's Father)
Rahima Sheikh (Aaidah's Mother)
Azir Sheikh (Aaidah's younger brother)

Atib Hasan (Aaida's first love and ex fiancee)

Ahren (Aaran's Best Friend)


Aaran is 29 years old (I know in the first book I said he is 28 but in this book he will turn 29 as it will start after the twins birthday) & Aaidah is 26 years old. Atib is also 27 years old. Alaida is 18 years old. Huriya is 25 years old. Zaria is 24 years old. Azir is 10 years old. Ahren is 26 years old.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩