Chapter 7


After one week~

As usual my life is going on normally. Nothing special happened. I was excited for Zehra appi's walima (Reception) but due to Zayan bhaiya's work it got delayed. Doesn't matter I will enjoy it when the walima will take place. I'm just waiting for the food nothing else. I didn’t got any message from the stalker. I also didn’t see Faris. It just doesn’t make sense right? I told Arin about this and she was suspecting Faris to be the stalker. But he doesn’t seem like the guy who would go to this extent of hurting my family. Nah it's not him. He is probably sick that's why he is not coming to university. I really hope it's not him. I should stop overthinking.

I was leaving my class now going back to home, yayy! “You love staying at home, don't you?” Arin asked while munching on her chocolate. Allah this girl eats so much yet her figure is perfect. Meanwhile if I eat too much I will become fat not that I care. Alhamdulillah I'm happy with how I look and how I am. “Yes my second love is my home I mean my bed.” I finished the last part with a giggle.

“And first love?” She raised her eyebrows in suspicion. I gasped at her question. “It's books! You are my best friend yet you don't know this.” I know I'm being dramatic right now. She understood it that's why she was rolling her eyes at me. The audacity of this girl!

I'm now running behind her almost out of the university. I reached in front of the gate but stopped on my track when I saw Asael leaning against his car. His eyes were on his phone. “I'm leaving. Ahad came.” I turned my attention to Arin when she spoke. Ahad is her fiancee and everytime she is with Ahad she blush crazily. I obviously tease her a lot for this. But today I decided not to do it. I smiled at her and bid goodbye to her. 

I was about walk towards the direction of my home when I heard Asael speaking. “So you want to pretend like you didn’t saw me?” I turned around to meet his gaze. A soft smile was on his face and I remember what his father said that day when they came to our home that I made him smile. Is that true? “Are you okay?” I came back to reality after hearing his voice again. “I wasn’t sure if you came to meet me or someone else but in the end I guessed you probably came to meet someone else that's why I ignored you. I mean you were busy on your phone! So what do you expect me to do?” I'm feeling nervous because I don't want him to misunderstand me. I was actually confused that if I should talk to him or not. Later my introvert ass decided it would be better not to approach him when he is busy with his phone.

“I didn’t wanted to stare at you and make you feel uncomfortable. Moreover you were talking to your friend so I was giving you time.” Aww, he is so nice. We only met twice yet he care so much. “Why are you here in my university?” Does he have any work here? Oh! He probably came to pick up Safia aunty. ‘Stupid! Safia aunty didn’t came to university today.’ My subconscious mind reminded me. “To take you to our home.” I looked at him dumbfounded. Their home? For what? No I can't go. My parents will kill me if I go with him cause I don't even know him properly.

I was about to decline his offer when he cut me off. “Your parents are in our house. Maa wants you to come too but you don't know where our house is and it's a bit far away from your university so maa sent me to pick you up. If you don't trust me then you can call my maa or your parents.” I was listening to him trying to process everything. Maa and baba didn’t told me that they would go to Safia aunty's home today. Maybe the plan was made suddenly. “Let's go?” Asael asked so I nodded my head and followed him to his car. “Sit in the front seat.” I stopped myself from opening the door of the back seat. After I sat inside his car he started driving. The ride was silent. He is focused on driving and I didn't knew what to say to start a conversation moreover I was afraid he might not want to talk to me.

Asael chuckled making me look at him. “You can say whatever you want. I won't mind talking to you.” How did he knew what I was thinking? “You are easy to read like a open book.” Again he knew what I was thinking. “I'm not like a open book!” I defended myself. “Is it so?” He is teasing me now. “You are enjoying this right?” He didn’t answer but only smiled.

Asael shook his head as a not but the smile didn’t left from his face. “I didn’t thought you would be the type of guy to tease anyone.” He looked at me for a while then again turned his attention on the road. “I do tease Alaida but other than her I have never tease anyone else except you.” This guy is making me curious about him. “Then why are you teasing me?” I asked him while still looking at him. “Let that be a secret for now.” He said as he was smirking. “I won't answer even if you keep asking me.” He said before I could speak again. I frowned. Why he won't tell me? Why is it a secret?

The car stopped in front of a huge mansion. “We reached.” I looked at him shocked that this huge mansion is their house. I got out of the car looking at the mansion in awe. It's so huge. How many people live here? “Except our family no one else live here. The servants quarter is somewhere else.” I glared at him and he just chuckled while looking at me. We went inside, I greeted Safia aunty and Nazib uncle. Alaida pulled me in a hug. She behaves like she knew me for a long time, that's what I like about her the most. She is not spoiled and knows how to behave well. I sat on the couch as I engaged myself talking with Alaida.

“Assalamu Alaikum uncle and aunty.” I turned my head towards the voice, it's Aaran. I looked away from him. I  remembered he told me that he would make me regret for the slap. I still can't forget what he did. And these past days I thought if I should tell aunty that Aaran maybe take drugs. Arin told me not to say anything and that why would aunty believe me over her son? She was right so I dropped the idea of telling aunty anything. “Assalamu Alaikum Zaria.” I widened my eyes in shock. He greeted me?! “Walaikum Assalam.” I said softly still being in shock. How did he became so good? Maybe Safia aunty said something to him that's why he changed? Well it's good that he changed now. “Alaida take Zaria to your room.” Aunty said. I looked at maa to get her permission. I mean we are not that close to them so I'm confused if I should go or not. “Your maa won't say anything. You go with Alaida.” Safia aunty said and maa actually nodded her head in agreement so I went with her. It's summer and I was feeling hot so I took off my dupatta (scarf) and placed it on Alaida's bed. “I hate summer.” Alaida said after I threw my dupatta on the bed and I agreed with her. I can't tolerate summer at all.

I played games with Alaida for almost an hour. Safia aunty wasn’t letting us go without dinner so we are stuck here till we have dinner. And it's still 7 pm. I have to stay here for few more hours knowing even after dinner we wouldn't leave soon cause the elders will be busy talking to each other. “Appi let me go downstairs and bring some snacks for us. I'm hungry.” With that saying she left. I didn’t said anything cause I'm hungry too now. After a while I felt a presence near me. I thought it was Alaida. “You ca-” I stopped speaking seeing Asael in front of the doorway. Oh no I'm not wearing my dupatta. I grabbed my dupatta and wore it. The situation is awkward now. At leaat he isn't looking at me anymore. “Do you want to say something?” I finally asked him. “Oh yes, come downstairs. I'm sorry for coming inside without knocking.” Asael said still looming away from me. “It's okay.” He apologized and moreover I know he didn’t did it purposely. He was feeling guilty about it so I forgave him.

I went downstairs with him. “Sorry appi I didn’t went uptairs. I'm feeling lazy so I sent bhai to call you.” I laughed at her behaviour. We are alike in many ways. I'm also lazy. I used to make Zehra appi do all the work before but now I have to do them. We had snacks then everyone were busy talking again.

Now it's dinner time already. I noticed they have many servants who are doing the work though the foods were cooked by Safia aunty. I started eating and MashaAllah she cooks well! After dinner as I said the elders again started talking. I found Asael staring at me many times but everytime I look at him, he looks away. That's weird.

I'm feeling tired. When will they stop talking? “Zaria seems tired so we should leave now.” Baba said. Finally. I will reach my bed. I can't wait to lay down on my bed. We bid goodbye to everyone. I didn’t saw Aaran anymore after dinner. Not that I care about it. We reached home and immediately I laid down on my bed after freshening up. Soon sleep engulfed me.


A/N: I know this chapter was boring so I'm sorry for that. Next chapters will be interesting. Also do you guys think Aaran really changed? 👀

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩