Chapter 3


Next Day~
When I was doing my Maghrib prayer I prayed for that stalker to leave me alone. May Allah help me! We were all present in the living room, having our tea and snacks when baba got a call from Zayan bhaiya's baba. After a while baba turned tensed. He seemed worried. “Zayan met with an accident. He is in the hospital.” I gasped. Ya Allah how did this happen now. Soon baba, ammi and appi got ready to go to the hospital. I wanted to go but baba told me to stay at home. He also told appi to stay at home but she wasn’t listening at all. I can't blame her. Her fiancee is in the hospital so obviously she will be worried.

I did my Isha prayer and I prayed for Zayan bhaiya to get well soon. My parents and appi still didn’t came back home. I don't why I'm feeling so restless. I heard the notification sound of my phone, I thought it was appi who sent me a message. But what I saw made me froze in my place. “You still want to tell your Zayan bhaiya about me? Do you want to take his help now? This time he is hurt only a little bit. Next time if you dare to say anything to anyone they will be dead on spot.” My hands started shaking. Zayan bhaiya is hurt because of me! I didn’t even told him anything. Moreover how did this stalker knew I was about to tell bhaiya everything?

“How did you know about it?” I typed the message with my shaky hands and sent it to him. If I was talking to him in person I'm sure I would have stuttered badly, that's how much scared I'm feeling right now.

Stalker: The police didn’t help you so the only person who will help you is that bastard Zayan. I can tell what you are upto always.

Me: Don't you dare call my bhaiya a bastard.

Stalker: He is a bastard! He is not your biological brother so you better stay away from him. You wouldn’t want your sister to become a widower before even her marriage can take place right?

I threw away my phone on the bed. I started crying. I never cried since he started stalking me. I tried to be strong always telling myself he is just trying to scare me and that he won't do anything. But today he crossed the limit. I can tolerate everything except my loved ones getting hurt that too because of me. No matter what happens in my life I try to stay strong. I try to handle everything on my own. I know I can't handle this situation neither I can take help from anyone. I can't understand what exactly he wants from me. I mean yeah I know he loves me that's what he told me. Then why can't he come in front of me? It's been two years since he is stalking me. Now it will be almost three years! I was 22 when he first messaged me. At that time I didn’t thought much about it but the gifts, the letters they made me believe that he is actually stalking me. It wasn't a prank. In these past three years I have been strong cause he have never hurt me, never came in front of me. Then today why he did this? Why he have hurt Zayan bhaiya? Thinking about all of these I started crying harder. What should I do? What if he hurts my family again?

The doorbell rang so I wiped my tears and went downstairs to open the door. I kept my head low so that no one would notice my red eyes. “We are directly going to sleep. Did you had your dinner?” Maa asked. I lied that I ate. I can't eat after what happened a while ago. I closed the door, turned off all the lights then went back to our room. “What happened? Why did you cried?” Zehra appi asked me. I'm not surprised that she knows I cried cause she notice every little single thing about me. “Zaria? You can tell me what's bothering you. I'm your sister right? Don't hesitate to tell me anything.” And I broke down into tears once again. Appi hugged me immediately, stroking my back saying soothing words to me. “Nothing. I-I just got s-scared for Zayan bhaiya.” I can't take any risk. I won't tell her anything. Cause if I do then what if he hurts appi too?

Appi wiped my tears, staring at me probably trying to figure out if I'm lying or not. “Zayan is fine. He will get discharged tomorrow. You are not lying to me, right?” I shook my head as a no. “Go to sleep. Tomorrow you have university.” After freshening up and doing her prayer appi laid down on the bed to sleep.

I was checking my phone one last time and as expected he messaged me again. “I know you are crying but don't cry, please. I hate it when you cry. I know you love your family the most so you don't like it if they get hurt. But what should I do? I hate seeing you so close, so happy with that guy even if he is your appi's fiancee. From now on stay away from him. Behave like a good girl and I won't hurt your family again.” Once again I felt like crying. Now I can't even talk to Zayan bhaiya? He is like the older brother which I always wanted in my life. I have to stay away from my bhaiya because of this stalker. This guy is a psychopath and I hate him so much. I won't forgive him for this, forget about loving him. He told me to love him  just like how he loves me. He will never deserve my love! My hatred for him grew stronger from today after the heinous thing he have done.

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