Chapter 1


Right now I'm in my university's cafeteria eating my sandwich. My best friend Arin is with me. I was peacefully munching on my sandwich until I received a message. "Is the sandwich too good?" The sandwich dropped from my hand on the plate as I started looking around to find anyone suspicious or even a single person looking at me. But everyone is busy in their own world. No one is looking at me. How is this possible? How can he know what I'm eating? "What's wrong?" Arin asked me. "Did that stalker give you a message again?" I nodded my head. "Why don't you tell the police about it once again?" I became quite. It's not like I didn't try to take help from the police. The police couldn't help me. They said they can't track his location and that someone is probably just pranking on me. But I know this is not a prank. "You know they always say the same thing." I informed Arin who was waiting for me to say something.

I lost my appetite so I left the cafeteria, Arin came after me even though I told her she can come later after finishing her food. We both came to our class sitting in our seat. My phone vibrated again indicating I got another message. "I'm sorry you lost your appetite because of me." I rolled my eyes at his message. I can't even curse at him. Like if you know it then stop disturbing me! Another message which said, "Why don't you reply to me? Also don't roll your eyes at my text! Never!" I was shuddered after seeing this message. Now he is also keeping an eye on me in my class! It feels like I can't be at peace anywhere, I don't have any privacy at all. Sometimes it makes me feel so scared that I can't even sleep at night wondering what if he is watching me even in my room? "Zaria?" Arin called me making me come back to reality. She looked at me worriedly as she saw the messages the stalker sent. "I'm fine." I reassured her with a smile on my face.

I came back home in the evening. "Baba oke jiggesh koro amar orna koi?" My sister, Zehra said as soon as I sat on the couch beside my dad.

Translation: Dad ask her where is my scarf?

Baba (Baba means dad) just shook his head not saying anything. We always fight and he doesn't say anything except maa (maa means mom) who will always scold us. "Ki hoiche? Ekta orna nilam ar ki." I answered her.

Translation: What? I just took one scarf.

Zehra appi (appi means sister) glared at me and went uptairs to our room probably. She is two years older than me. We fight a lot but we are also so close to each other. I share everything with her also my best friend Arin. Zehra appi also knows about the stalker thing. She told me to inform baba about it but I don't want to trouble baba. He will worry a lot which will not be good for his health. "Go freshen up and prayer then come to eat." Baba told me patting my head. I gave a smile to him.

I freshened up and did my Wudhu then did my prayers. After finishing my prayer I recited Quran then I got up sitting on my bed. I was writing my assignments when my phone vibrated again. Sometimes I want to throw away my phone and break it into pieces so that I won't get any messages from him but I love my phone too much that I won't break it just for a mere stalker who is a coward. Yes, he is a coward who won't show his face. He will just keep messaging me, send me gifts, keep an eye on me from the shadows. "Zaria Ahmed reply to my text!" I can tell he is pissed off just by seeing the message.

I decided to text him back this time. "Why should I reply to you? I don't reply to cowards." Few minutes passed and he didn't reply. It was dinner time so I left my phone on the table in my room then headed downstairs for dinner. Zehra appi is still angry at me. Oof this girl! "Zehra! Stop glaring at her and eat your food. Don't fight even while eating." Maa scolded her. I controlled myself from laughing. After dinner Me and Zehra appi washed the dishes. Baba and maa went to their room. Zehra appi also went back to our room before me.

I entered in our room and closed the door looking at my sister who already fell asleep. I took my phone to set an alarm when I saw his message. "Coward? If I told you what I think about doing to you and what I'm capable of doing, you would be crying in the corner of your room. You wouldn't even dare to step out of the house, rabbit." Rabbit, the nickname he gave me. I'm actually feeling scared now. He knows everything about me, he knows where I live, where is my university at, who are my parents. 'No no. I shouldn't feel scarefirst a man like him. I'm strong.' I reminded myself. I turned off my phone and went to sleep so that I won't think of anything negative.

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩