
Main Lead:

Zaria Ahmed
Asael Ibrahim
Aaran Ibrahim
Huriya Jahan

Other Characters:

Hasim Ahmed (Zaria's Father)
Nazeera Ahmed (Zaria's Mother)
Zehra Ahmed (Zaria's older sister)

Nazib Ibrahim (Asael & Aaran's Father)
Safia Ibrahim (Asael & Aaran's Mother)
Alaida Ibrahim (Asael & Aaran's Younger Sister)


Zaria is 24 years old, Zehra is 26 years old. Asael and Aaran are 28 years old and Alaida is 18 years old. Huriya is 25 years old.


A/N: This is my first book so please be kind enough and pardon my mistakes. This book is based on my imagination thus I mean no harm to any people or any religion. English is not my first language so there might be some grammatical error! You guys can always fix my mistakes but please don't be rude. All copyrights of this book belongs to me!

This book was published on stck.me on 22 November 2023

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I hope people will enjoy reading my story and keep on supporting me as that will encourage me to keep writing

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I'm a queen in the kingdom of the men I have written about 🥀 🇧🇩